I live 5 yards outside the zone, if i can find a vosa testing station i am gonna try and wing it as i run mine on veg oil.
I had an mot done a month ago and the tester said it didnt qualify for smoke test as it was on veg, passed ok.
But knowing my luck the rules will be different at a vosa station.
Its just another tax , i was hoping that getting rid of red ken the boris would drop the idea.
To get a huge lorry through that is to expesive to replace they suggest you get a filter fitted to the exhaust at a cost of £5500.
So i dont see anyone making one for a 200tdi anywhere cheap enough.
So if no joy then a set of false plates might come in handy.
HA - my 300tdi 90 will not be compliant, but my 300tdi Disco will be WHAT THE HELL?

What an utter joke. They won't get away with it.
Ive written to Boris , if i get a reply i will post it, seems discos are ok, looked at other web sites and TFL dont put anything in writing they have called other Landy owners that have quiried it and got a range of different answers, one was told that they intend to reclassify defenders but it will take till 2012 and another one was told if PLG then will be exempt.
But i know that is bull**** as mine is PLG and gonna be charged from October 2010.
Dunno how many Landys are in the south east but this could have a devestating effect on residual values.

Up the revolution:mooning:
This LEZ is the biggest pile of bollocks ever, if the arse holes there in westminster want to do something for the enviroment, then switch the lights off on all the fookin advertisment signs, which burn all night for fook all. There must be millions in Britain. Wonder how many tons of CO2 that is a year.
I cant see it working as once everyone realises what is proposed there will be uproar. Just like the "poll tax". Overnight tens of thousands of motors will be illegal. How long before the LEZ is extended to other major cities?

Its not just us Landy owners but every diesel engined vehicle weighing more than 1.25 tonnes (at the moment). Used car values in and around London will be next to nothing.

As for London being a ****e hole I totally agree which is why I moved out. But when you have friends and family there what can you do? My elderly parents cant afford to move and their old, but as new low miler, Trooper will not be compliant.

I'm going to get me a horse and it can **** where it likes because Londoners wont have a problem with that will they?
my 95 disco 300 tdi is exempt:eek:

If your vehicle is registered outside Great Britain (including Northern Ireland) you will need to register with TfL for an exemption

looks like the foreigners will get away with paying it too...so once again or truckers get f@cked over.
my 95 disco 300 tdi is exempt:eek:

If your vehicle is registered outside Great Britain (including Northern Ireland) you will need to register with TfL for an exemption

looks like the foreigners will get away with paying it too...so once again or truckers get f@cked over.
Which just goes to show what a complete farce it is. The loonies have taken over the asylum.

The TD5 Defenders are cleaner on emmissions than the tdi engines but are non compliant yet my mates 1999 TD5 Disco (exact same engine as my 1998 Defender) is shown as being compliant ????? What if I was to put his engine in my Defender? How could they argue that it was now non compliant - emmissions have nowt to do with the shape of the bodywork? Now there's a thought! His motor is for sale as well.
One of our guys recently went into the LEZ with a non compliant truck. We got a bill for £1000 as a penalty.:(
My 1993 110 CSW (200tdi) is exempt too, so are they basing it on body styles?

Will they charge a hard-top/pickup but not a station wagon?
We run 2 Defenders, a 200tdi and a 300tdi. We're based in Putney and unless Boris gets the 2010 phase suspended, we are going to have to replace them next year. The problem is, it only applies to commercially derived vehicles which means Defenders get clobbered and every other Landie is OK. Problem is, Boris is under pressure from the EU to reduce emissions. Don't understand why every other UK city isn't affected. I don't think your individual emissions will make any difference. Its all about what emissions the engines are classified with.
also how much will it cost to tax a Defender from next year.

I read this link

Changes to Vehicle Tax from April 2010 : Directgov - Motoring

and as i see it, my truck was registred before the March 2006 so does that mean this applies "*Band K includes cars that have a CO2 figure over 225g/km but were registered before 23 March 2006."

or is it going to be £400+

From same website:

What about cars registered before 1 March 2001?
Rates for cars and vans registered before 1 March 2001 are based on engine size. The rates for these cars from April 2010...
- over 1549cc -- £205

(Phew!) So I'm OK (1993-reg) but it would be much fairer to pay through the fuel duty, as I drive my 'highly polluting' landy less than 3000 miles a year...

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