Check out this feedback from Land Rover themselves. We just need you to register your support and hopefully get this into the shops :)
Another great show of support and another show for us to attend! Now all we need is for people to register their support and pass it on! :)
What number are you up to now ?

It's a shame the actual voting process is as laborious as Lego have made it I'm sure It must put the less committed off.

Keeping my fingers crossed you get there - got several nephews that I'd buy this for in a blink :)
I am amazed Land Rover have supported it, don't they usually sue when people use their name??
What number are you up to now ?

It's a shame the actual voting process is as laborious as Lego have made it I'm sure It must put the less committed off.

Keeping my fingers crossed you get there - got several nephews that I'd buy this for in a blink :)

Hi, We are over 6200 at the moment so support is still growing but we do think the voting process does put people off as we get great feedback at shows but the votes don't always follow through. I suppose everyone on Lego Ideas has the same problem. So we do really appreciate it when people do take the time to register their support. Fingers crossed they keep doing so! ;)
I am amazed Land Rover have supported it, don't they usually sue when people use their name??
Let's hope that's a good sign for if we can get 10,000 people to actually register their support. We know there are lots of people who love it, just hope they all register now. :)
Come on people.'re all probably stopping what you're doing to grab a bite or waiting for a film to start or the Olympics to show the sport you're interested in...take 8 minutes to sign up to this and support makes for simple Xmas and birthday gifts in a couple of years
Come on people.'re all probably stopping what you're doing to grab a bite or waiting for a film to start or the Olympics to show the sport you're interested in...take 8 minutes to sign up to this and support makes for simple Xmas and birthday gifts in a couple of years

Thank you! :) also everyone with a email address in the family can vote so long as they are over 16 so please encourage family members to vote so we can make sure we get to 10,000 supporters!
We were very lucky that Land Rover invited us to their Discovery launch last night and we managed to get a couple of pics with a couple of well known people. Just over 2800 supporters needed now, feeling positive! If you haven't registered your support on Lego Ideas, please do
Have you put it on Facebook or Twitter?
I have put it on our Lego Landrover page but am going to do the Land Rover/Lego pages shortly. Have put it on Twitter but I'm not the best at posting on there, I always run out of characters! Any help you can give us raising awareness would be appreciated!

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