Supported. Hope you get all the votes needed it's by far the best take on a landy and it would be class to see it in stores. Excellent job
Supported. Hope you get all the votes needed it's by far the best take on a landy and it would be class to see it in stores. Excellent job

Thank you Jasper74, glad you like it. We have had great feedback from people so we are hoping we can get to that 10,000 to get to review and then it's hope for the best! :)
Supported! Will be spreading the Word in Italy. Great idea! I'd buy one
Thank you Mandy we appreciate your support. We would be really grateful if you would spread the word in Italy for us and hopefully we can get closer to that 10,000! :)
Thank you for your support, we really appreciate it. Please help spread the word!
Top work. I've already done this though as you (or someone else) left a flier on my 90 at Stanlow.
One of the lads in the maintenance depth was telling me that you both built this up and it's been a labour of love.
I've since shown a few mates this and they think it is ace. If you like I can see if any of the local landy places in Liverpool would be happy to have some fliers on their desks
Top work. I've already done this though as you (or someone else) left a flier on my 90 at Stanlow.
One of the lads in the maintenance depth was telling me that you both built this up and it's been a labour of love.
I've since shown a few mates this and they think it is ace. If you like I can see if any of the local landy places in Liverpool would be happy to have some fliers on their desks

Ha ha, yes that was me, any I spot in the car park get a flier! Would be great if you could spread some fliers about. Ask any of P&C maintenance techs for Terry. We plan to go to Halewood in the near future with the Defender we are just finishing off.

Have had great feedback from people and Land Rover Monthly published an article on it but it is just trying to get people to actually register on the Lego Ideas website we are trying to push to get that support as got lots of likes on Facebook etc but they don't count unfortunately. We will keep at it! :)
Just seen the post in Classic Land Rover Magazine so thanks to David from Tasmania for that, we really appreciate the support people are giving in trying to help us get people to support us on the Lego Ideas site.
Well, we are heading for 3,000 supporters which is great. If you haven't already please use the link, register with Lego Ideas and press Support as we would love to get this to review stage for Lego to produce it as a product! It only takes 5 minutes

Feel free to pass on to others you think may appreciate our project.
No we didn't but wish we had used some parts as would have been cheaper than us buying the parts separately! :)
Well we are heading for 3,500 so still need more supporters. Please register and help us get to 10,000!

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