Comments on this one. I'm not posting where it is, someone will sue me

A very scary lane, large rut makes traversing difficult - vehicle will be at a relatively extreme angle at this point. With a 200 foot drop to the left, you may well end-up reversing the length.

One section with VERY steep VERY big drop right next to the track, - care needed. And whatever you do - Don't look down !
Sounds like it's decent .. ;)

I'd do it ...
ooooh .. looks very interesting .. some nice contours!
ooooh .. looks very interesting .. some nice contours!

Yes it has :D I actually know exactly where it is now, I checked it on streetmap. I looked at a small "farm" to buy, this lane probably goes across its land.

If I say the reason I didn't buy it was because the horses would have broken their necks trying to climb the "flat" fields it might tell you something :D:D:D
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Yes it has :D I actually know exactly where it is now, I checked it on streetmap. I looked at a small "farm" to buy, this lane probably goes across its land.

If I say the reason I didn't buy it was because the horses would have broken their necks trying to climb the "flat" fields it might tell you something :D:D:D

Actually, had a look further around that area and there appears to be the potential for loads of lanes .. North of that lane, so many ORPA's and unclassifieds it's unreal! Might have to have a recce weekend up there .. ;)
Where abouts would use all be doing this if its local enough i fancy it

Dunno yet, still planning ..

Put your location in your User CP then people might have a clue where your 'local' is ..
Actually, had a look further around that area and there appears to be the potential for loads of lanes .. North of that lane, so many ORPA's and unclassifieds it's unreal! Might have to have a recce weekend up there .. ;)

LOL, do you know where that is :eek::eek:

OK in daylight maybe :confused:, wouldn't be spending a weekend there ;);)
I wouldnt mind coming along too paul, i dont mind helping out where i can, i dont have a winch just yet but i have a few strops/slings and will be helpful to know how to use em safely when i do, and also i dont mind getting stuck (or pretending im stuck :D ) bearing in mind i have no winch so could be a good practice at recovering others
I will come give a hand Paul done enough recovering to have a good idea so happy to help out, but like the sound of you trying to get the 90 stuck lol
I will come give a hand Paul done enough recovering to have a good idea so happy to help out, but like the sound of you trying to get the 90 stuck lol

Heheh, cheers Rik ... ;)

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