New Member
Seen a lot of posts lately about water leaking in to discos. now im not say'in this is going to stop all this, but it might go some way to help.

lenny, im not sure about yours m8, sounds like the next door neighbour's got the hose in there over night.:rolleyes:

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Thats good stuff that is.
Wouldnt surprise me of my neighbour, he thinks im a yobbo.
I met yella fella today, and im sure he will confirm im nothing of the sort, i have shoulder length blonde hair in a slight perm, a neatly trimmed moustache and wear nice brown cords. ( hes a bit camp that yella fella, turned up in a flowery shirt, jesus sandals and pink jeans......)

ANYWAY, ive resealed all the top and corner sections of my windscreen with black sealant, and went about 2 inches down each pillar. If it leaks now i shall just install some daisies.
had my wind screen sealed today got a mate in the trade so let him do it so it should be sorted now i hope
What a bunch of "camp" weirdo's you disco divas are, when i had mine, :D with the w/screen leaking, the fitter removed it, and showed me where the previous fitter had not scrapped the old sealant away, so the fit was not snug.
He also pointed out, as it is such a large screen, if its not placed properly, it slides down, thus not sealing.
He cured mine, after weeks of me pumping sealant up under the lining.
Trust me on this lads, i know i have a gaylander now, but i have had the leaky disco experience.;)
fredlander said:
What a bunch of "camp" weirdo's you disco divas are,
Trust me on this lads, i know i have a gaylander now, but i have had the leaky disco experience.;)

fearless when you say "camp" did you mean.......

A. temporary accommodation for crusties (travellers)

B. homosexual

C. bizarre

im begining to wonder about you.:eek:
ffs lennie, i told you not to say anything. mind you at least you left the bit out about me driving a nice green metro diesel ;)

yella disco said:
ffs lennie, i told you not to say anything. mind you at least you left the bit out about me driving a nice green metro diesel ;)


I never ever mock the afflicted..............:D

Anyway you will all be glad to know, im sure, my Disco was sealed right round the windscreen yesterday.

An as par for the course whilst out today it leaked all over the missus.:eek:

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