
New Member
OK, Here's one for you.

Claw is out in his Range Rover and breaks down, so he calls Wammers on the mobile to help rescue him. Wammers appears at the break down site and realises the problem can't be fixed at the road side so Claw tows wammers home!

What's wrong with the Claw's RR?
OK, Here's one for you.

Claw is out in his Range Rover and breaks down, so he calls Wammers on the mobile to help rescue him. Wammers appears at the break down site and realises the problem can't be fixed at the road side so Claw tows wammers home!

What's wrong with the Claw's RR?

Nothing if he towed Wammers home... "so Claw tows wammers home!":doh:
Bugger. A gold star to Irishrover. Mind you I had hoped it wouldn't have been so 'easy'.
As the profile says "I am a Brummie dimwit and know nothing"

woogoo did you get your car passed the mot.? allso i got you a program from chipping, if it any good to you..j
Heres a better one ....

I have 2 coins in my hand the total is 11p ... One of the coins IS NOT a 10p piece

How did I get 11p ??????????????????????//
Heres a better one ....

I have 2 coins in my hand the total is 11p ... One of the coins IS NOT a 10p piece

How did I get 11p ??????????????????????//

It's the change you got from the nine bob note you used to pay for that new zip for your pink gimp suit.
Ah well...get ready for another 20 page post!!!!!!

Thing is could i risk letting him do that knowing my Rangie only has standard brakes. Think i'd better fit new slotted and drilled discs and £100.00 pads to be on the safe side just in case. What do you think.

Answers on a postcard to. What do you think is the most stupid addition to a Range Rover you know of competition. Wammers C/O Land Rover zone. For forwarding. Please staple a £50.00 note firmly to front of card to cover cost of beer and fags.
Not that long ago, i happened to have two near identical white P38's. One was my daily ride to work and back and the other the wifes.
After work we would often both travel to one of a number of local restuarants on our way home and pull up side by side before going in, ordering and so on.

Noted for having two almost identical cars and arriving as a pair, we were so often quizzed as to why we had two Range Rovers that we got to adopt a standardised reply, which was.

Well when the one won't start or otherwise gives us trouble, we can use the other to tow it home !!!

All in all not an entirely implausible answer to any true blue P38 owner.

Just 17 to go now Irishrover :)

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