Where did you get that idea from?? :eek:
You've been watching them scary films again... Or is it just eastenders :p
Don’t watch TV

When you come home and there’s a stack of emulsion in the hallway ....

Thanks. Personally I don't think I have ever been able to change the immob settings and eka enabled settings while the engine is in an immobilised state - and I've tried on 3 immobilised cars in the last few months (all GEMS era, and >v36 BeCM) - I got them all moving, but by virtue of an EKA code, ultimately. It would help me and I dare say others if you could maybe post a video of how you do it starting from EKA enabled/ setting the alarm and triggering it (pull the sill button) and then showing how you get the eka disabled option to stick long enough to start the car.

What does tumble-weed sound like?

Pretty sure my GEMS does exactly the opposite of what the appraisal Nano/ diesel combo is doing. If you try and DISable EKA and Immmobiliser after the alarm is tripped they will get rolled back to ENabled. Nanocom gives you confirmation of success, blah, blah but if you close the session and return the fields are ENabled once again. So then you're still left with other 3 tools to get going - key, remote & EKA. I'll go out on a limb, and say that changing these settings to disabled in an alarmed state can't be done by nanocom, and can't magically start a 4.6 GEMS.

Not sure it really matters anyway - if you have a nanocom then you have a means to enter the EKA which is surely the logical option, and probably not worth having flamed someone over, especially given that no-one else can replicate what you have seen
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What does tumble-weed sound like?

Pretty sure my GEMS does exactly the opposite of what the appraisal Nano/ diesel combo is doing. If you try and DISable EKA and Immmobiliser after the alarm is tripped they will get rolled back to ENabled. Nanocom gives you confirmation of success, blah, blah but if you close the session and return the fields are ENabled once again. So then you're still left with other 3 tools to get going - key, remote & EKA. I'll go out on a limb, and say that changing these settings to disabled in an alarmed state can't be done by nanocom, and can't magically start a 4.6 GEMS.

Not sure it really matters anyway - if you have a nanocom then you have a means to enter the EKA which is surely the logical option, and probably not worth having flamed someone over, especially given that no-one else can replicate what you have seen
The immobilisation can be disabled whilst active, end of story.
I believe that you though you did it, as you seem very sure. Since you previously said it was when you first got the nanocom then I guess you may have forgotten what else you were changing in the background as you were probably only just figuring it out at the time. I can tell you it doesn't work on GEMS - and I've tried several times to replicate your claim. I guess it's not impossible that you have some prototype software on your nano - what version are you running?
That's the one positive to come out of Covid, it's been off the air for three months, I cannot even stand the theme music never mind the program, too many years spent down There.:eek::D
I think some of the characters need killing off...

I'd start with that coont Den!!!
I believe that you though you did it, as you seem very sure. Since you previously said it was when you first got the nanocom then I guess you may have forgotten what else you were changing in the background as you were probably only just figuring it out at the time. I can tell you it doesn't work on GEMS - and I've tried several times to replicate your claim. I guess it's not impossible that you have some prototype software on your nano - what version are you running?
I HAVE DONE IT SEVERAL TIMES, what part of that statement do you not understand?
Is the below not an accurate summary of what you are saying, then? Are you sure you don't have some extra functionality on your nano that didn't make it to the production version? I'm struggling to understand where the mismatch is, but maybe I've misunderstood what you're actually claiming to have done?

Goto P38 > EDC > then click right hand green arrow until you see BECM. Click on BECM, then settings, then Alarm. Top of first page is immobiliser that will need setting disabled. Click on right hand green arrow until you see EKA that willneed setting disabled. You can't do anything on emulator but will be able to when plugged into car. To put BECM into diagnostic mode Leave ignition OFF. Plug Nanocom in wait until it loads then goto BECM as above. After a few seconds dash message will read Diagnostic mode. Follow above then when immobiliser and EKA have been set disabled, go back one page by pressing red cross and select write settings. wait for Nanocom to do it's thing. Switch Nanocom off. Switch ignition on message should go and car will start. DO NOT start car with Nanocom on. Always switch it off before operating starter
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Is the below not an accurate summary of what you are saying, then? Are you sure you don't have some extra functionality on your nano that didn't make it to the production version? I'm struggling to understand where the mismatch is, but maybe I've misunderstood what you're actually claiming to have done?

Goto P38 > EDC > then click right hand green arrow until you see BECM. Click on BECM, then settings, then Alarm. Top of first page is immobiliser that will need setting disabled. Click on right hand green arrow until you see EKA that willneed setting disabled. You can't do anything on emulator but will be able to when plugged into car. To put BECM into diagnostic mode Leave ignition OFF. Plug Nanocom in wait until it loads then goto BECM as above. After a few seconds dash message will read Diagnostic mode. Follow above then when immobiliser and EKA have been set disabled, go back one page by pressing red cross and select write settings. wait for Nanocom to do it's thing. Switch Nanocom off. Switch ignition on message should go and car will start. DO NOT start car with Nanocom on. Always switch it off before operating starter
It must be done with the BECM in diagnostic mode. That is all I will say about it. Work it out yourself.
In my experience whenever I am ignition off and in the BeCM module on Nano the dashboard always displays "diagnostic mode". I'm not sure it's possible to be otherwise tbh - so I'm not sure what i'm meant to be "working out". You clearly can't back up your claims, so like the playground card game I'm calling "bullsh**". Probably when the immobilised car started for you, after you supposedly changed the eka/ immob settings, the passive coil kicked in and restarted the car, and you thought wey hey - it works. I've no idea cos you're a bit light on detail, no-one else has come forward saying they can do what you can, have they?

Maybe you had access to an appraisal nano years ago, but had to give it back, or you sold it/ broke it. Doesn't add up... you clearly know a lot of stuff about a P38 , infinitely more than I ever will- but at the edges you just make stuff up, and figure that if you shout it enough people will just take your word for it. No-one knows everything, that's ok... and I've seen it here, and on rr.net, the guys who've been on the site for years slowly get bored of dealing with the minions (happy amateurs, as you put it) and slowly become more obnoxious, until they find something more fulfilling to do, and the site resumes normal business.
No but he has understanding worth contribution
You have a go at Wammers for not ‘proving’ but you’ve also proved nothing.
He don’t owe any of us s***
I have no experience with Gems or Nanocom. Feel free to explain to me your solution
I can see points on all sides but I don’t see answers.
It's hard to prove that something is impossible... I am always open to the fact that there's some special trick that I'm missing. But as a great person once wrote:

"So what do you do if someone is talking nonsense and misguiding others. Say nothing and let people be sent in the wrong direction. Or speak up and correct things" and "When someone, no matter who it is, posts something misguided i reserve the right to correct it. "

I spent a fairly considerable time today on my nanocom trying to replicate this, and I'm reasonably handy with it, having re-mobilised two other P38's in the last couple of months. If you are prepared to take a look at the issue (like attach a nanocom to a P38) , rather than playing forum groupie, then please help us along. I think Wammers is big enough that he doesn't need you to stick up for him
Aw bless.
I’m not sticking up for anyone he doesn’t need me. I’m saying you being as bigoted as you make others out to be is not any help.
As I don’t have a Nanocom I’m obviously unable to comprehend your genius as much as yourself :rolleyes:

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