
Well-Known Member
Any of you ever done the lanes near Downton. Theres is a good few round this area. Wondering what they are like as im hoping to drive them.
There's some pretty good lanes and some which are just a nice drive.

From Downton you can link up nicely with the Ox Drove which goes all the way to Shaftesbury isn't anything too major there is one deepish puddle which is a bit slippy underneath but apart from that aslong as it doesn't rain it's all manageable with a standard Land Rover.

Couple of pics on there from when Me and Robbh went out a couple of weekends ago.
There's some pretty good lanes and some which are just a nice drive.

From Downton you can link up nicely with the Ox Drove which goes all the way to Shaftesbury isn't anything too major there is one deepish puddle which is a bit slippy underneath but apart from that aslong as it doesn't rain it's all manageable with a standard Land Rover.

Couple of pics on there from when Me and Robbh went out a couple of weekends ago.
That sounds good. Are you down that way. Ill have to let you know when i come down.
I'm about 10 mins from Downton and Robbh is about 5 mins. Yeah let one of us know we're always up for a day out :)
As Jack has said. Yes some very good lanes round here.

Recce'd an awesome route I planned the other weekend which we plan on doing again on easter Monday. :) The route goes from downton to shaftesbury then all the way back to Salisbury in a huge loop. With barely any road driving between.

Couple of the lanes are quite tight in places so wouldn't be ideal if you like your landy polished. But there are alternate routes. :)

But yea if your ever down this way send me or jack a pm and we'd be more than happy to show you some of the amazing lanes around here.
Or keep an eye on the thread I started linkyd above as I'm sure we will plan plenty more trips this year.
Have you got any memory map. Routes you could send me. I could pm an email. These lanes arnt part of the salisbury plains ones are they. Id like to make monday but doubt i will.
Have you got any memory map. Routes you could send me. I could pm an email. These lanes arnt part of the salisbury plains ones are they. Id like to make monday but doubt i will.

Unfortunately not at the moment only just started using memory map if I'm honest. And completely forgot to log the route on the recce.

About half of the lanes are on the Salisbury/plains os map ( Explorer 130 map) but then goes on to the shaftesbury/Cranborne chase map (Explorer 118 map) for the 2nd half.

Going to be logging the trip on the Monday though. :)
Im going to arrange another time for laning as still have a couple of issues with mine to sort out. Have a good day. Lots of pictures

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