Well my tickets bought so show me the cider!!
Is it normally the same crowd of people that go?
No, don't think so.
(was my first time last year).
From reading the threads attendance was up and down on previous events.
Last year was more heavily attended than previous (apparently).
Was good though - recommend it for one weekend a year.
Loads of different people with one interest - Land Rovers
Interesting chats as me and Mrs Skint wandered around the field Saturday night
(Not all ended up at the beer tent at the same time).
Is it normally the same crowd of people that go?

Not at all - of course several of us know each other from attending LZ events over the years but I'd have said at least half of the people who came last year were people I didn't know . Even more annoying I missed some people who I chat to on here but have never met in person because I didn't know what they looked like. We have badges for everyone with their user name on so we can attempt to work out who is who . Learning from last year , this year we intend to have some ice breaking sessions to encourage / facilitate mixing and meeting
Counting down the days till payday so I can get my ticket - then it all becomes a bit more real once I've got that bit of paper clutched in my sweaty palms - looking forward to it :)

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