i would be happy to give a deposit to you and just go along with it. too many chefs spoil the broth an all that. i think it would be sweet. smash up a bit of froggy turf
it would be such a shame to let this biblical thread go without something coming of it surely? i would be up for anything that anyone takes time over organising.
the trip never happened. slob and i went to a load of trouble organising all sorts, then folk started dropping out ands wanting to change bits so in the end we said "**** it"
Why not try again,, this time only fir the buggers that really want tae go,,, exclusiff like........ an make em give some sort o deposits or summat.. That way ye might weed oot the "ohhh al dae that an al do that"... An maby yel get a group a goodunns that would really want tae go intae the wide blu yonder...;) :) :)
Why not try again,, this time only fir the buggers that really want tae go,,, exclusiff like........ an make em give some sort o deposits or summat.. That way ye might weed oot the "ohhh al dae that an al do that"... An maby yel get a group a goodunns that would really want tae go intae the wide blu yonder...;) :) :)

Spot on there mate. I would give a deposit no troubles. if someone would be willing to go to all the trouble of organising it there would be a few beers in it as well i should say. GET BACK ON IT GUYS, i am there!
shame they all started dropping out. i think that if your gonna agree to attending something that people have gone out of there way to organise, you should keep your word.
It wasn't just the dropping out, it was people wanting things a different way. Like wanting to go, but wanting to organise their own ferry crossing so feking up the group discounts & stuff.

I've noticed lots of people saying "I'll go if someone organises it", but no-one saying "I'll organise it".

Slob & Yella put a fair bit of work in & if they did it again (which I can fairly safely say they won't) I would put money on the same thing happening again.

If anyone is that keen to see an event like this go ahead they'd better step into the breach & offer to organise it....................or let this fred die a death. Read the first 57 pages, it was a waste of everyone's time & it ain't happening! ;)
anyone fancy poppin over to France? -

mind yu - I int seen a "green lane" since i been here.

Just as well since yer driving around in a motor with crap ground clearance that would git damaged just mounting a kerb...............An' yer GT40 is even worse! :eek: ;)
what if a site was found for camping and a place to play and after that folks can just turn up if they feal like it?
actually d'ye know what, bollox to it. this ain't goin anywhere. grippa is right. wish I adn't said anything now.

If anything in the way of a landyzone off road thing is ever going to happen in the uk on the other hand; shout it up, i will drive over the UK for that.
Ha ha, there's loads of groups of us who meet up to go laning or drink beer or both.

I doubt we'd ever get a hooooge group of LZ'ers tergether. I could see a lot of old scores being settled. Reckon there'd be more scraps than at a pikey's wedding. ;)
ere grippa
hwod you upset then !!!
i cant belive a nice guy like you could upset anyone !!!!!!
well i'm drivin over in august time. got to get me mot done. if theres anythin goin on maybe i'll tag along if no one minds. always up for a beer and a bit of off roadin
August 10th - T*O*S*S*E*Rs BBQ & a bit of laning, but more BBQ than driving!

See the greenlaning section.
Well I finally got to the end of this thread and still haven't got a clue what's going on. But I am male!!!! Just for the record, I'm game for some fun and haven't been offroading for a while not that I'm particularly good it anyway, but I heard France is a good trip, pretty good for laning as well apparently.

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