i aint got the concintration or will ta drive on other side, tried a few times ferking useless iam
So is this back on again or what?

And if so how much for us gits that already live this side of the chunnel?


Got to be worth the drive up just to spy slobs head!
right, its back on, exceptions will be made fer folks already in france but yer have yet prove yer live there, speak ter slob
Slob, I've been stranded in Frunce for the past 17 years and would much like to come off roading with u's depending on dates ect..... how many proooofs would one like to clarify situation?
Slob, I've been stranded in Frunce for the past 17 years and would much like to come off roading with u's depending on dates ect..... how many proooofs would one like to clarify situation?
a slack hand full of euros should do the trick and a free weekend in yer fine lodging establisment

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