Will be sorting out this module and then thats me done with it forever! We only do it once, after this its more cad etc which I'm good at but if I start slipping I'll be talking to the tutors!

Cheers ;)

Build on your weakness with the tutors...... It will help down the road.
Update from today at the show given that I am in the land of internetl and phone signal.

Tent/marquee has remained in one place thanks to some ratchet straps. The combined brains of the LZ contingent on Friday night managed to have several poles left over after construction. .but are blaming it on lack of instructions :rolleyes:

Fannys jet engine powered flame throwing fire/stove/incinerator managed to cook toast in about 30 seconds a side :eek:...well before Minty's soup waa ready.

Lots of work being done on Freddie's and BB's vehicles. ..don't ask me what I was sitting down.

I got introduced to someone as the forum pervert :eek:

Accy has lots of lovely LZ goodies. .mugs, flasks, mouse mats, ipad covers & phone covers which look brill.

Top Cat's lad did a sterling job of signing up poor unsuspecting souls who happened to
glance at the display boards. ....a natural salesman in the making.

The cake I bought for both days was devoured in the one

Rained Friday night whilst they were putting up the tent thing but today / yesterday now was sunny but gusty.

Not much by way of trade stands..probably 2/3 club stands, 1/3 trade.

C4H site is situated a reasonable distance away so no fighting has taken place. ...so far

And that's all I can think of. .not very interesting but it'll have to do til the others get back to civilisation.
Don't you believe it. Do it right and you'll never stop learning.
And who knows you might do like I did and go back to college in later life.

It gets replaced by thermodynamics. My problem with the module is that unlike the others I can visualise it in the real world as an application so I find it harder to cope with
Hmm ... thermodynamics ... I wish you good luck with that. All I know about it is that when you open the front door on a cold morning, you let the heat out and not what your mother told you about letting the cold in. (second law)
Great fun, the usual suspects and a few new faces

Freddie and I did the landrover experience and to be fair it was well staged and in my opinion progressive to allow for those who maybe changed their minds to stop.

I think we should have some footage of it and I took some photos on freddies camera.

Freddie kindly offered me the chance to drive his 90 which was unexpected as I thought I was ballast and we had a giggle or two when the seat runners decided to make the pedals disolve several times when I was driving.

Other than that I think we had a great weekend and landyzone white castle was epic lit up while other clubs sat in the dark.
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Home, slightly grubby and tired but happy, great weekend with a fantastic crowd. The new mobile LZ towers is awesome and we even managed not to break it which was a bonus......

Not so sure about the slightly odd northerner that spent the weekend crawling around with his boots strapped to his knees and I felt a bit sorry for the lass he'd kidnapped on her way home from work but they'd brought a monster BBQ with them so we welcomed them into the fold.

Thanks to Accy, T-C and SteveD for giving me a panic attack by pulling handfuls of wiring out from under me bonnet like it wuz last weeks spagetti :eek: but I'll grudgingly admit that it all works like it should now :eek:

Big hugs and gratitude :hug: to 110w for not only hobbling through ditches, over hills and down dales but for dragging a brace of cakes fit for kings along with ....A truly heroic effort!

:welcome2: to LZ Debs, for surviving an initiation by fire, bringing Steve along :) and providing much needed shelter on Friday night.... I'm not sure what you guys did with your Landy after you dropped the pile of scrap off but the gazebo was great :D

Cheers to Top_cat for donating LZIR rescue proceeds to cover an annoyingly unnecessary expense and to Dylan for stepping into the newly created LZ Marketing Manager post.

We finally found Bromsgrove Defender holed up with some crew called Yam Yam LR Group :p and it's always great to put faces to names and hope to hang out for longer next time....ooo and some bloke called NightyBoy :D and his family though he appeared to be dressed fairly normally and had a great couple of kidlets that seemed to laugh the whole time.

Dips and BK have headed into the wilds of wales and if anyone is resourceful enough to make it back out again those two are.

I peeled off from the M5 leaving Pikey, Minty and Freddy (who's got the most sorted set-up) to travel onwards in the wake of Fanny's 90 who'd left us standing in a clould of Fairy dust.

Great weekend, no fights, no internet (there may be a connection there somewhere) just a diverse bunch sitting down together and having a laugh....LZ made flesh
did ya let the side down, then gurlz?

The only problem with having a sorted, welcoming, cosy set up like this...

Is you have to deal with the occasional baglady...

The truth of Fannys 90 power is finally revealed :D :D

Lol yes landy now appears to be powered by fairy dust, I find it funny and my partner jokingly wanted that sticker-I suspect it was craftly fitted in my absence.

The cake was sublime, nice to see 110 woman, walking wounded-but still in attendance
Glad every one..bar Accy I guess , is safely home ....with ALL Landys getting there under their own steam:eek:.

I had a lovely , if veeerrry slow day and good to see all of you again and nice to meet steve and debs and BB's lovely woman whose name ive shamefully forgotten .

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