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Me and roy have been chatting to one of the organisers of His name is Mark Pattenden and he is a member on Landyzone as Discovery2man and he should now have a nice shiny orange username.

If you have a look on the website you will notice that the show isn't the normal commercialised show, it's for charity BLESMA

Basically Mark likes to set himself a bit of a challenge, and for this show he wants to have the record for largest Land rover gathering in one place. The Blesma challenge is to get more than 1000 Land Rovers into the shape of a Land rover for the record.

We are planning to have a club stand at the the show, and from speaking to Mark it sounds like it could be a very good weekend!.

So the question is, who is interested in having a LandyZone club stand? On the forms it says 8 vehicles per club, but Mark says that if we can raise more, he will find a way to accomodate us.
So have a look at the website, see what you think and Vote in the poll.
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I thought you would know where the chippy was :rolleyes:
I've got feck all done again today due to being arseholed again last night when testing out the BBQ :eek:Still got to pick a Gennie up, fuel up,load the trailer clean the BBQ sort a tent out, change mi tow bar and most importantly, find the keys for the 90 which I appear to have lost this evening... Not much really

I likes chippies I does.:D:D:D
Only stipulation is I pat test anything that is plugged in and we share the fuel
One of the big cakes cooling outside so i can frost it when ive made that.

One in oven cooking , should be ready in an hour then an cool and fill and decorate.

Sponges im making in the morning

thought about packing so just got the doing bit to do

and bath and hair wash before 12 ....

Sorted :D
One of the big cakes cooling outside so i can frost it when ive made that.

One in oven cooking , should be ready in an hour then an cool and fill and decorate.

Sponges im making in the morning

thought about packing so just got the doing bit to do

and bath and hair wash before 12 ....

Sorted :D

Plenty of time to bake me another 10 cakes then.;):p
we could charge £1 a phone charge as a way of subsidising fuel as a thought
I think everyone will be chipping in for fuel. I will bring 2 gallon down with me if I remember to get it in the morning
I got my freddy krugar tent slashing glove if anyone wants to borrow it.:p

Thats not funny Ratty :p

Extra cake to go round chaps, Ratty generously donated all his slices of the five different cakes back to be shared out. :D

Anyone got a table to put cakes on in marquee ?
Thats not funny Ratty :p

Extra cake to go round chaps, Ratty generously donated all his slices of the five different cakes back to be shared out. :D

Anyone got a table to put cakes on in marquee ?

I have tables

I can put em in my belly to keep em safe though.:eek::p
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