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Me and roy have been chatting to one of the organisers of His name is Mark Pattenden and he is a member on Landyzone as Discovery2man and he should now have a nice shiny orange username.

If you have a look on the website you will notice that the show isn't the normal commercialised show, it's for charity BLESMA

Basically Mark likes to set himself a bit of a challenge, and for this show he wants to have the record for largest Land rover gathering in one place. The Blesma challenge is to get more than 1000 Land Rovers into the shape of a Land rover for the record.

We are planning to have a club stand at the the show, and from speaking to Mark it sounds like it could be a very good weekend!.

So the question is, who is interested in having a LandyZone club stand? On the forms it says 8 vehicles per club, but Mark says that if we can raise more, he will find a way to accomodate us.
So have a look at the website, see what you think and Vote in the poll.
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It's early Sunday morning.

The barbeque / bonfire has been declared a roaring success.

The Fire Brigade has just left having retrieved all of their brass fittings from Redhand's van.

The main tent is nothing but a fond memory.

No-one was actually injured in the fire but there has been a bit of collateral damage.
Discovery2man has been taken away in an ambulance with a suspected heart attack. He was ignored for a while whilst the medics, quite understandably, chased another figure, fleetingly seen only in the light of the flames, in a bright orange shirt clearly marked INMATE. The police in attendance assisted the medics once it was noticed that the shirt was all that the figure was wearing.
Ratty arrived in response to a call from International Rescue but then laughed so hard that he now has a suspected hernia.

Blue Beasty's Landy was caught up in the inferno and totally burnt out. The consensus is that it's never looked so good and it's not really affected it's value.

110 woman dashed back into the tent when somebody told her that MOD1 might be trapped. The heat had an unfortunate effect on her hair colouring causing her hair to explode into a bright red Afro and along with the smoke blackened face, lack of eyebrows and a broken stilleto heel does mean that no-one who met her will ever forget her, not without therapy anyway.

Minty, and her peaches, is still jumping up and down squealing that it's "all so exciting" and "can we do this again next year?"

A small man, with a Lancashire accent, was seen skulking away from the entire affair muttering, "I resign, what have I done?" and similar.

Perhaps not surprisingly all of the undrunk beer was rescued so it's not all bad news.

Roll on the chippie run.
Right thats it yas bastids!

The LZ beer tent has been re-designated as the orfishul LZ medical centre emergency knee unit and only me and and female members in nurses uniform (don't worry I can imagine the uniform bit) is allowed in

still got my old one from my training , complete with hat ;)

got other outfits too but they tend to raise blood pressure not lower it :D
still got my old one from my training , complete with hat ;)

got other outfits too but they tend to raise blood pressure not lower it :D

I hear that Mod1 has just cut his finger open.:p:p:p

Accy, have ya heard for definate from Mod1 whether he's going to be at the Bristol and west or not?:confused:
well i'll struggle too so cant we just aim for 1pm instead ?

Who else is meeting there apart from you, me & deasy ?

Accy said he was aiming for 1 at said service station, so I make that you, Sirus, accy, and me, dno bout anyone else?
OK guys I may have a bit of sad news.... it is looking increasingly as though I might not be able to come this weekend. Kai and I are both gutted.. but the fact is that my chrysler blew the rad and dumped all the water on the road this afternoon.

Kai has stripped the rad out and it is fubarred - new one around 200 quid!

If I do not get it fixed by monday then my smalles ones can not go to school so I am really up against it. I am trying to get it done in time but can't be sure...

keep you updated!
OK guys I may have a bit of sad news.... it is looking increasingly as though I might not be able to come this weekend. Kai and I are both gutted.. but the fact is that my chrysler blew the rad and dumped all the water on the road this afternoon.

Kai has stripped the rad out and it is fubarred - new one around 200 quid!

If I do not get it fixed by monday then my smalles ones can not go to school so I am really up against it. I am trying to get it done in time but can't be sure...

keep you updated!


Are any of the other Herts guys coming down? If so could you not cadge a lift?
Aware that this may be classed as wittering and looking at the smaller details - but at said service station on motorway- do we just drive around the car park hovering expectantly at every Landy parked up or do we have a bit more of a plan than that ?
Aware that this may be classed as wittering and looking at the smaller details - but at said service station on motorway- do we just drive around the car park hovering expectantly at every Landy parked up or do we have a bit more of a plan than that ?

Accys blue 90 with bright orange LZ stickers on every available surface should be easy enough to spot :p
Accys blue 90 with bright orange LZ stickers on every available surface should be easy enough to spot :p

did forget that minor detail ......:eek:

I'm already 50% sorted to meeting up with everyone-Deasy meeting me in Rugby :D
Thanks for the thoughts guys (n gals)

Simply can not see my way through this one.... worst case it costs me £100 more than I was expecting to spend and since I don't have reserve funds that gotta come from somewhere.... bugger of the thing is that I have several hundred quid outstanding in bills that are owed to me but all from people who have a rep for bad payment...

if just one of them pays then we'll be there!
Thanks for the thoughts guys (n gals)

Simply can not see my way through this one.... worst case it costs me £100 more than I was expecting to spend and since I don't have reserve funds that gotta come from somewhere.... bugger of the thing is that I have several hundred quid outstanding in bills that are owed to me but all from people who have a rep for bad payment...

if just one of them pays then we'll be there!

Isn't it always the way.:( Have you looked into getting your rad re-cored?
Thanks for the thoughts guys (n gals)

Simply can not see my way through this one.... worst case it costs me £100 more than I was expecting to spend and since I don't have reserve funds that gotta come from somewhere.... bugger of the thing is that I have several hundred quid outstanding in bills that are owed to me but all from people who have a rep for bad payment...

if just one of them pays then we'll be there!

Hate chasing money....gotta do some of that tomorrow :mad: else I'll be spending Pikeys wages at the weekend!
The sound of very very heavy rain has woken me up and all i can think is one more night with a roof then im sleeping in a giant plastic bag.........gulp :eek:

I'm on my phone so its too complicated, but anyone else able to give a updated weather forcast for the show ?

Looking better !
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