

Just wondering if they are any good for recon VCU, just making sure it's not the infamous 'Dan Ball' in disguise etc.

The link above shows what I'm looking at, recon VCU, I just phoned (on a saturday) and the lady was really nice to me, informed me of exact procedure and to get a recon VCU would take around a week and price, with new centre bearings, on my doorstep ready to fit and old one picked up and taken back to them is looking around £255, that's including the vodka and couriers.

So yeah, anyone used them before? Anyone had experience of them good/bad?
there have been some cowboys repairing vcu but I have not heard of these before so may well be ok
Haven't used them, but a quick dig found this:

LandRoverCity is the trading name of NCA Motors Limited, . They registered and on 15 Jan 2012, which broadly coincided with when NCA Motors Limited started business. The business has a net worth of just £600, with assets and liabilities of £8.7k and £8.1k respectively, so not a lot of stock on their books! Not a bad thing if they have a connected business that does carry/hold stock, but neither director is connected with any other limited company, so it may be their Romanian business that carries the stock: and Stock in Romania would certainly explain a 1 week lead time.

Everything stacks up as far as I can see; they are a legitimate UK-registered small business with genuine addresses and roots in Romania (Mr is a Romanian national), which gives them access to potentially cheaper supply and stocking facilities and explains the low stock value of the UK business. Seems a good business model to me!

Ultimately they offer a secure means of paying by credit card, so you're protected.
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Good heavens.
That is quite a wealth of information. Thanks for that, it was a hell of a lot more than I was expecting!
I think I'll take a punt on these.

I shall put the order in on Monday and let you know the results!
In a former life I used to trace people who had decided it was a good idea to do a midnight flit without paying rent etc, while driving around in a car on credit they had no intention of paying for. The car was what I was after, as I worked for a vehicle finance company. That was before ANPR cameras and the internet. It was a bit more..... hands-on back then. ;)

These days pretty much everyone leaves some kind of digital footprint, easier still if they own web domains or run a small business. The alarm bells ring when you CAN'T find the details.
In a former life I used to trace people who had decided it was a good idea to do a midnight flit without paying rent etc, while driving around in a car on credit they had no intention of paying for. The car was what I was after, as I worked for a vehicle finance company. That was before ANPR cameras and the internet. It was a bit more..... hands-on back then. ;)

These days pretty much everyone leaves some kind of digital footprint, easier still if they own web domains or run a small business. The alarm bells ring when you CAN'T find the details.

Definitely good to know!

Lads, there's a Clouseau in our midst...
NoDosh , I used to do the old repossession job too many years ago.I had to go to a farm for a 3 wheel bubble car once. Told the farmer I had come for car and he said yes it's over there. Over there was a muck midden and he had buried the car in it and left the sunroof open for good measure. There were two of us on this job and we were a bit 'ripe' by the time we unearthed the car and got it back to the yard. It's all good fun! NOT.

Just wondering if they are any good for recon VCU, just making sure it's not the infamous 'Dan Ball' in disguise etc.

The link above shows what I'm looking at, recon VCU, I just phoned (on a saturday) and the lady was really nice to me, informed me of exact procedure and to get a recon VCU would take around a week and price, with new centre bearings, on my doorstep ready to fit and old one picked up and taken back to them is looking around £255, that's including the vodka and couriers.

So yeah, anyone used them before? Anyone had experience of them good/bad?
That's only about £10 cheaper than Bell Engineering charge for exactly the same service. I used them this summer and was very pleased. Others on here and elsewhere have found the same. Why not use them instead?
I looked at bell, the website said they didn't provide the centre bearings.

Has anyone had the bearings from them on their VCU?
Yes, I had a recon VCU from Bell with bearings for £262. The chap on the phone seemed quite switched on and explained the supplied bearings were NOT of Britpart-type origin, but far better quality. I think they're made by Fag, but I can't remember.

Is Bell Engineering' s price including vat and bearings? Our price is £199.99 plus vat and includes end bearings.
£262 for recon exchange VCU, all in. Includes bearings, VAT, postage and collection. Your price seems better, as long as the bearings are decent.

Although it's been said before many times, using cheap bearings is a false economy - I've been through three sets of Allmakes/Britpart bearings in three years. Why did I not learn my lesson?

1. 1st set came free with the car. Failed after 1 year.
2. 2nd set were fitted because a friend sold his FL and had them spare. Failed after 1 year.
3. 3rd set sold to me by car parts shop as 'good' bearings. When they failed (they broke up and allowed the prop to vibrate eccentrically - wife abandoned car in M&S car park on the way to work, leaving me to pull the prop off amongst the shoppers). This after 1 year. Contacted shop - they admitted brand was Britpart.

I got very good at swapping out VCU support bearings.

All the factual information quoted is public domain (as a director of a Limited Company your details are a matter of public record by law) and are freely available using Google.

Some the google results in question are below. If there is anything specific on there that you disagree with, take it up with Nominet or Companies House.

Well for a start the address details are not correct and all the information you have provided is older than us and probably you. We think that this forum is for talking about parts and Land Rover issues....not people.
If you are going to post information like this then you should verify that it is is valid and up to date and put your name by it. Anyone can say anything they want on a forum and then blame it on an outdated source and says it's not my fault that it's out of date when pulled up on it! Surely your methods for tracking people down in your previous line of work must have been better than this!!!!
If you do a simple check on Companies house you will see that our registered address is 7 Old Hall Lane.
We would like everyone to check the links you have provided and they can see that they are not correct.
You need to be taught a lesson about writing things like this and for all that you have put on this forum like this we will be suing you for.

If you do not know how a vcu works DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT.

As said the info posted is a matter of public record. If it is incorrect then the fault is with the record so I'm not sure who you think you're going to sue or for what?

The details posted were painting you in a positive light as a legitimate company and not as one of the known cowboy VCU refurb outfits that members have had problems with.

I suspect that the only lesson to be learned here is you've just lost customers as a result of YOUR post.

I'm not sure if suing yourself is either possible or desireable :)
'If you do not know how a vcu works DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT'.

NoDosh didn't, did he? Come to think about it, no-one on this thread has mentioned how a vcu works.

Threatening litigation - really? How do you think that comes across on a popular LR forum, a platform for potential customers? What if there's a problem with a vcu you've supplied - are we to expect a similar reaction? Remember, people thinking of using you might search LZ for your company name, and this thread will pop up.

I can understand you're unsettled that someone's looked up your credentials and posted them up here. But he only got them from the public domain, as far as I can see. If there's a mistake, why not present the facts with calm assertion, rather than CAPS LOCK ANGER!
'If you do not know how a vcu works DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT'.

NoDosh didn't, did he? Come to think about it, no-one on this thread has mentioned how a vcu works.

Threatening litigation - really? How do you think that comes across on a popular LR forum, a platform for potential customers? What if there's a problem with a vcu you've supplied - are we to expect a similar reaction? Remember, people thinking of using you might search LZ for your company name, and this thread will pop up.

I can understand you're unsettled that someone's looked up your credentials and posted them up here. But he only got them from the public domain, as far as I can see. If there's a mistake, why not present the facts with calm assertion, rather than CAPS LOCK ANGER!


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