Britpart/Allmakes bearings, from bitter experience, tend to last almost exactly one year. After that they start to rumble and, if ignored, will break up. It sounds like you are another victim of this.

EDIT: If they are Britpart bearings they will have a 24-month warranty, I think.

Yes, we all rallied round NoDosh when he was threatened with unspecified litigation for his undefined misdemeanour. I found him shaking in a corner having peed his pants... :p

Michael James, in Post 54 you spoke His name. Now, crawl to your miserable hovel and await His wrath!
I've already had the text. The content of which denies all responsibility and includes threats of being reported to the police and also legal action whilst calling me an idiot. It's kinda funny because they say they used
Britpart/Allmakes bearings, from bitter experience, tend to last almost exactly one year. After that they start to rumble and, if ignored, will break up. It sounds like you are another victim of this.

EDIT: If they are Britpart bearings they will have a 24-month warranty, I think.

Yes, we all rallied round NoDosh when he was threatened with unspecified litigation for his undefined misdemeanour. I found him shaking in a corner having peed his pants... :p

Michael James, in Post 54 you spoke His name. Now, crawl to your miserable hovel and await His wrath!

I awaited. And here it is:

"We request that you remove all the false and incorrect information/comments you have posting regarding us. You did NOT buy a VCU from us with OEM bearings. You bought one with standard aftermarket bearings. We have only just started selling these units with OEM end bearings on eBay so that we don’t have problems with ill informed idiots like yourself that can’t even remember what they purchased and then lie about that they did buy. To top it all you have written a load of rubbish about us that is full of incorrect and false information in response to someone’s question on a forum about a Company not Selltot. We have reported you to eBay who also find your behaviour a disgrace and will be taking action. We will also report you to the police and take legal action if you do not remove this false information that you have no place commenting/talking about. It is not our fault that you were nearly 2 months past your warranty date when you had this issue. We give you 24 hours to remove these comments this is the only and final message we will send before we take further action."

I will now crawl to my miserable hovel and try to figure out how Land Rover City - who deny that they are Selltot from whom I bought my VCU - are able to deny they sold me the parts whilst clearly admitting in the above text message that they did indeed sell me a VCU with standard aftermarket bearings.

Or maybe I'm just confused what with Selltot and Land Rover City having the same business address. Although this is now difficult to prove as Selltot's address is no longer visible on their eBay page.

Somehow I can't imagine eBay getting personally involved with this issue and honestly considering one of its users a "disgrace". Really?
Spat my coffee all over the screen when I read that eBay finds your behaviour a 'disgrace'. :eek:

MJ, you really don't need to take aim at this outfit - their head of PR is perfectly capable of standing on the parapet and blowing his own brains out, Kurt Cobain-style, thank you very much.

NoDosh? NODOSH! The nasty man's here again. Come and save us! (That is, unless you are too busy in court...)
Spat my coffee all over the screen when I read that eBay finds your behaviour a 'disgrace'. :eek:

MJ, you really don't need to take aim at this outfit - their head of PR is perfectly capable of standing on the parapet and blowing his own brains out, Kurt Cobain-style, thank you very much.

NoDosh? NODOSH! The nasty man's here again. Come and save us! (That is, unless you are too busy in court...)
The question I have is this: If Land Rover City really isn't Selltot and have never had any dealings with me and really didn't sell me a reconditioned VCU then how come they have my number?
The question I have is this: If Land Rover City really isn't Selltot and have never had any dealings with me and really didn't sell me a reconditioned VCU then how come they have my number?

And one more thing: If I really didn't buy a VCU from Land Rover City (who are not Selltot) and I did indeed buy one from Selltot then why have LRC supposedly mentioned my disgraceful conduct to eBay?
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Incontinence and loss of bowel control seem to be mandatory when these guys start issuing their threats......
Since when did the Police get involved in name calling?

I'm starting up a new business -

Send me your old dummy (as long as you can find it on the floor after spitting it out) and I'll wipe it clean and only use OEM tits on the end of it:rolleyes:


and woe betide anyone who tried to knock the idea or steal it, coz my granny says she'll "Punch your frikken lights oot" :D:D:D

Phone the Police and take legal action - :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:Dclown
Since when did the Police get involved in name calling?

I'm starting up a new business -

Send me your old dummy (as long as you can find it on the floor after spitting it out) and I'll wipe it clean and only use OEM tits on the end of it:rolleyes:

View attachment 96605

and woe betide anyone who tried to knock the idea or steal it, coz my granny says she'll "Punch your frikken lights oot" :D:D:D

Phone the Police and take legal action - :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:Dclown

I thought about liking this post but I'd better get legal advice first in case you kick off :p
Aye you'd better, liking my post indeed, what next!
How dare you, I'm phoning 999 as we speak:cool:

My legal team confirm that liking can indeed be treated as an act of terrorism but as I didn't actually like it I'll probably get off lightly if I plead guilty to conspiracy....

Bit of a fookin minefield this forum lark :confused:
The question I have is this: If Land Rover City really isn't Selltot and have never had any dealings with me and really didn't sell me a reconditioned VCU then how come they have my number?

I think the answer is within the question...

The moral of this thread - want VCU? Give Bell a bell!
- want belligerent abuse? Better call Land Rover C... Oh, no. I'm not going there. Too scary.
Since when did the Police get involved in name calling?

I'm starting up a new business -

Send me your old dummy (as long as you can find it on the floor after spitting it out) and I'll wipe it clean and only use OEM tits on the end of it:rolleyes:

View attachment 96605

and woe betide anyone who tried to knock the idea or steal it, coz my granny says she'll "Punch your frikken lights oot" :D:D:D

Phone the Police and take legal action - :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:Dclown

Really like this large picture View attachment 96605 @ blue beasty :p

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