It seems the case against them is based on asking for more money, having already agreed a price and using this as a form of black mail saying there's more work required. There's issues around customers not paying deposits, not agreeing costs in writing etc. Any money the garage has for work they haven't done so far, is used for 'storage' of the vehicle. What trading standards would look to do is prove there's a theme to the events which take place, and poor business practices involved with that.
Seems like all the effort they go to carry on scamming plus all the hassle they must get from people chasing cars etc, surely there is a point where you're better off just running a legit company? :confused:
Seems like all the effort they go to carry on scamming plus all the hassle they must get from people chasing cars etc, surely there is a point where you're better off just running a legit company? :confused:
They take as much as 8,000 sovs from the car owner, and their car. Take the engine out and sell it. I assume the gearbox etc is ok and sold anorl. If it's a snapped crank it's difficult to know what it's worth to them. Their adds talk of repairing this. They ship engines abroad. I wonder if they ever get fixed or if they just nick parts oft them. All in, it's quite profitable. When peeps as far as Scotland get conned it's a long trip to turn up at the garage and get no where with them. They're heavily into other makes anorl. They seem to like anything with a transit engine. It's said they're after the engines but the eggspensive LR xenon headlights are still present when the engine is missing. Makes you wonder why they don't strip them further if that's their game. Bastards have also done a number of Freelander 2's anorl.
They take as much as 8,000 sovs from the car owner, and their car. Take the engine out and sell it. I assume the gearbox etc is ok and sold anorl. If it's a snapped crank it's difficult to know what it's worth to them. Their adds talk of repairing this. They ship engines abroad. I wonder if they ever get fixed or if they just nick parts oft them. All in, it's quite profitable. When peeps as far as Scotland get conned it's a long trip to turn up at the garage and get no where with them. They're heavily into other makes anorl. They seem to like anything with a transit engine. It's said they're after the engines but the eggspensive LR xenon headlights are still present when the engine is missing. Makes you wonder why they don't strip them further if that's their game. Bastards have also done a number of Freelander 2's anorl.
Oh dear :( I can picture the streaks of mascara running down the owners' faces. I wonder if they would be able to offset the loss against profit from the shop? ;)
Seems like all the effort they go to carry on scamming plus all the hassle they must get from people chasing cars etc, surely there is a point where you're better off just running a legit company? :confused:
Many years ago I worked for a guy who turned out to be a con man/crook. Great company - at first, fantastic patter, could sell anything. He worked really hard, but he never made a repeat sale, he could not resist ripping customers off, it was so deeply ingrained in him. He married into a very rich family, had endless affairs, stole family antiques and died in his 50s owing money. These guys will be working harder to rip people off than it would take to build a good business, they will have to lie all day and never get a repeat sale, and they will end up with everyone out to get them, but that's how they are. That's why they have to go to jail
if their not breaking them for other parts how are the disposing of the remains?
i dought very much if they have breakers licence, waste carriers licence or waste collection for old oil ect,
maybe environmental health could shut them down?
if their not breaking them for other parts how are the disposing of the remains?
i dought very much if they have breakers licence, waste carriers licence or waste collection for old oil ect,
maybe environmental health could shut them down?
When we got the dodgy van place shut down one of his biggest mistakes was pouring oil down the drains. Its a very clear offence and once we had some pictures to prove it, plus the obvious mess, he was in trouble. You can get the Council on to them but you've got the Environment Agency too and they have a lot of power. Its very unlikely they are complying with waste regs. There can be a problem if the premises come with historic permissions, in our case the premises were permitted for vehicles repair and painting, but pouring oil down the drains over rode all that. The Council were keen to get it re-zoned to retail and they got the court order.
if their not breaking them for other parts how are the disposing of the remains?
i dought very much if they have breakers licence, waste carriers licence or waste collection for old oil ect,
maybe environmental health could shut them down?
They leave the remains in their yard. Others left on the side of the road get a warning stuck to the windscreen, then disappear after a month or sometimes longer. They 'process' that many vehicles, they struggle for space. The car park over the road has been used to dump them for some time. Other companies on the same street are annoyed by this. A height limit bar was put across the car park to stop the vans going in. They dump cars Infront of the bar instead. They even abandon their own recovery trucks in the same way.

They're organised and to be frank, good at the con they continue to carry out. Having records for waste streams etc is something I'm guessing they will have covered as they know its an easy one to be caught out on.
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Have you been watching the drone footage from Nagrono-Karabach? One of those Israeli kamikaze drones would do the job.
A pic I was sent a while ago of the car park opposite. Lowered barrier so they dump the cars outside instead.


Scrap07 79oLw1S
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This really needs the LA and site owners to get together and stop them. At some point other businesses will move out.
Another sent to me of sunbeam street. Cars abandoned in the street with missing parts and not put back together propper. Assumed to be finished with. Their scrap yard is full with far more cars in this year than last year. Others further down the street look untouched so we assume they're awaiting 'processing' or repaired to the owner satisfaction. Green circle is where we think they work on vehicles.


Scrap08 a6isBAB
Bad experience with this cowboys, they took my van crafter on 4th december, till today they not give me back, I have received overcharged invocie over £2k .
they just send me video van was ready after 3 months and when I came there to collect it , he said : not trust me and he ask about Cash . till today I havent got my van . I dont know where is it . Police done nothing . now my lawyer is working on this CASE .
Does someone know where they keeping cars , they moved somewhere my Van , If I will find it , I will recovery it without keys
Their Ebay advert for TD5 engine reconditioning shows a pair of TDCi Defenders in a large factory (not their workshops) and a Range Rover with the engine on the floor in front of it.

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