If you take them to court, i suspect that you will find that the company you win against has zero assets, and a whole load of debt

Thats how the fore mentioned Edward Barrington used to work. Trading standards etc. got him in the end and he did time but i think it was only 18 months or so, and he is back again now, spinning the same tales on facebook.

Im always surprised that real life isnt more like tv - i mean you would have thought that, by law of averages, they would eventually rip off someone feisty, and get mounted to a cross in their front garden with a nail gun - but it just does not seem to happen, despite all the "im going to go round there with my mates" keyboard talk.
I would assume Edward was done for the way he carried out his business as opposed to giving back money. This is how to catch these people out. As you say they know it will happen one day so they hide their loot.
We have a number of gun owners on ere who argue about the size and length of their weapon and how good they are shooting with it. You have more chance of them turning up on Bob's bus ready to ambush said garage than getting yer car back. These are organised professional bastids.
Organised professional bastids still bleed and feel pain and you'd be amazed at what will burn with a 'lil help from a hydrocarbon
Organised professional bastids still bleed and feel pain and you'd be amazed at what will burn with a 'lil help from a hydrocarbon

Many chaps like that are surprised at how few friends they have when both their arms are broken and they can't wipe their own arse ....
It wont be me "popping round"..........but if it was my car/ money I couldn't just walk away
Problem is if he steps across the line of illegal activity then he can get himself into a lot of trouble with them or the police. He needs to follow the legal route. If that fails then there isn't anything he can do. It would be great getting revenge but the place is said to be full of security cameras and a dog on guard. As said above there's probably someone out there who would pop along at night for revenge but getting involved with that means entering the criminal world. I appreciate the situation is annoying but talk of anything other than the legal route isn't going to happen so it's just filling the fred with cr*p. If it's suddenly burnt out in the near future then I sit corrected.
Problem is if he steps across the line of illegal activity then he can get himself into a lot of trouble with them or the police. He needs to follow the legal route. If that fails then there isn't anything he can do. It would be great getting revenge but the place is said to be full of security cameras and a dog on guard. As said above there's probably someone out there who would pop along at night for revenge but getting involved with that means entering the criminal world. I appreciate the situation is annoying but talk of anything other than the legal route isn't going to happen so it's just filling the fred with cr*p. If it's suddenly burnt out in the near future then I sit corrected.

There are a few chaps, who would seek retribution on behalf of someone, regardless of the consequences... but purely for 'shits and giggles' ... might be a military thing ...
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Problem is if he steps across the line of illegal activity then he can get himself into a lot of trouble with them or the police. He needs to follow the legal route. If that fails then there isn't anything he can do. It would be great getting revenge but the place is said to be full of security cameras and a dog on guard. As said above there's probably someone out there who would pop along at night for revenge but getting involved with that means entering the criminal world. I appreciate the situation is annoying but talk of anything other than the legal route isn't going to happen so it's just filling the fred with cr*p. If it's suddenly burnt out in the near future then I sit corrected.
Of course no one would recommend taking the law into their own hands or discussing how to do it on a public forum, things like that are best left to the powers that be
Of course no one would recommend taking the law into their own hands or discussing how to do it on a public forum, things like that are best left to the powers that be
yep epsecially if the people who this thread is about are on here. As i learnt for myself once its a small world.:eek:
Reading through the posts here...to those who are hinting/recommending a more ‘kinetic’ approach to this issue:STOP.
This is an open forum, any discussions around this nature means that you’re all potentially incriminating yourselves-in black and white for all to see. Think what you’re doing. OP take whatever course of action you feel will help but consider consequences of actions.
Just saying....!

Problem is if he steps across the line of illegal activity then he can get himself into a lot of trouble with them or the police. He needs to follow the legal route. If that fails then there isn't anything he can do. It would be great getting revenge but the place is said to be full of security cameras and a dog on guard. As said above there's probably someone out there who would pop along at night for revenge but getting involved with that means entering the criminal world. I appreciate the situation is annoying but talk of anything other than the legal route isn't going to happen so it's just filling the fred with cr*p. If it's suddenly burnt out in the near future then I sit corrected.

If you have enough money to throw at it there are people that will make them pay for what they have done and stop it happening again, but the reality is that very few people have that kind of money to throw away, and if they did they wouldn’t have been driving an old disco in the first place or shopping around for repairs.

Hopefully now the OP has a crime number he will get something back from the insurance. It most likely won’t be anywhere near what it’s cost him but better than nothing.

It amazes me the lack of interest from the police. I know they are busy but they surely can’t get away with ignoring certain crimes just because they are busy with other stuff, and regardless of where he lives he would surely only be dealing with Police in England?
There is a guy on FB that reports stolen Landies etc., he has recently been threatened by 'gangsters' and had threats to his family and home ....

Please be aware that public forums are NOT the place to be discussing 'how to get retribution' ...
If you have enough money to throw at it there are people that will make them pay for what they have done and stop it happening again, but the reality is that very few people have that kind of money to throw away, and if they did they wouldn’t have been driving an old disco in the first place or shopping around for repairs.

Hopefully now the OP has a crime number he will get something back from the insurance. It most likely won’t be anywhere near what it’s cost him but better than nothing.

It amazes me the lack of interest from the police. I know they are busy but they surely can’t get away with ignoring certain crimes just because they are busy with other stuff, and regardless of where he lives he would surely only be dealing with Police in England?
The police are interested int car crime. They quote 40% of their resources are spent on it. If the place is the crime hot spot we're assuming it is... they must know of it. They have been in there before. Theres a Midlands regional crime unit which looks into kicked cars. So yer would think they're setup to look into this sort of thing.

Scotland is daft. They have to have Scottish BBC, Scottish NHS. It wouldn't surprise me if they have their own separate police who's first language int English. I don't know how they operate but I'm surprised they haven't done anything.
The op has gone quiet.

Although the place looks a mess... Some of the cars they have would be very eggspensive if road worthy and working. They would be owned by rich people. There int a problem with money for thems who own these vehicles. Eggspecially when insurance companies are involved and want my their money back if paying out. But there is a problem with peeps thinking wot happens int movies can be applied to real life. We're never going to have a wip round and call in the services of Bob.

I'm not sure how far away the op's problem is from theft. I'm wondering how much proof there is it was taken to be fixed and returned as opposed to sold. Contracts... Invoice... Collection paperwork... These peeps have obviously done this before and know how to get away with it. Even if the car is gone in time for the first complaint as standard practice.
Please be aware that public forums are NOT the place to be discussing 'how to get retribution' ...

Sorry I wasn’t discussing “how to”, I was just pointing out that in these sorts of situations money is your friend and if you mix in the right circles anything is possible. It wouldn’t be viable in this sort of thing as anyone who could afford to sort it out would be driving a new car! These people target those who are unlikely to afford the legal and court costs to deal with it afterwards
The police are interested int car crime. They quote 40% of their resources are spent on it. If the place is the crime hot spot we're assuming it is... they must know of it. They have been in there before. Theres a Midlands regional crime unit which looks into kicked cars. So yer would think they're setup to look into this sort of thing.

Scotland is daft. They have to have Scottish BBC, Scottish NHS. It wouldn't surprise me if they have their own separate police who's first language int English. I don't know how they operate but I'm surprised they haven't done anything.
The op has gone quiet.

Although the place looks a mess... Some of the cars they have would be very eggspensive if road worthy and working. They would be owned by rich people. There int a problem with money for thems who own these vehicles. Eggspecially when insurance companies are involved and want my their money back if paying out. But there is a problem with peeps thinking wot happens int movies can be applied to real life. We're never going to have a wip round and call in the services of Bob.

I'm not sure how far away the op's problem is from theft. I'm wondering how much proof there is it was taken to be fixed and returned as opposed to sold. Contracts... Invoice... Collection paperwork... These peeps have obviously done this before and know how to get away with it. Even if the car is gone in time for the first complaint as standard practice.

What a load of crap you have just uttered...the vehicle was stolen in England why would Scottish Police Service be involved?

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