Errm well its a long time off as yet but I am thinking about taking day off. So there may be a influx of people all evening. I may be setting off Early to get the place set up. :)

I might take the trailer and get the gazebo off Poorman so that its all up there ready. Then people just have to come and set there tents up....:D
These young uns ya know like the home comforts, they'l be bringing there playstations along as well.
We take it everywhere for when its windy and raining.... so we have somwhere to hide.....we party till well into the morning hours. So if ya a anti social git dont put ya tant close to the gazebo. In the early days we used to string a tarp over the landys but we got posh due to Jim Willys cuz and now we go in style.... We had genny last year and lecky heaters...lmao it gets cold up there trust me....:D
tiz not a standard gazebo ya know, Chris has got a big un, partied in it last year.
what you need that to hide in for, didn't we party and the rest of them disappeared into a black hole after the pub?

and Grunt who you calling young un's, there again suppose i should be flattered by that remark.

Guess it could be dark when we get there so might have to fumble me way into the tent then. hehe (who's in the middle?)
so ya partyed with my big one last year did :D

I am taking the small tent its a 4 man.....and That be me in the middle...he he

Na we got a proper Gazebo.....right job with sides and stuff :)
can anyone come got a standard disco will it be ok only had it for 6 weeks not much laning done would i need different tyres im in halifax not too far away
mattb said:
can anyone come got a standard disco will it be ok only had it for 6 weeks not much laning done would i need different tyres im in halifax not too far away

Bloody hell, i am very close to you. a load of us will be in the swan pub at Liversedge tommorow if you want to come say hello. Is it a Disco1? I would recomend minimum of A/T tyres as road ones are likely to puncture and you need a recovery pioint, towbar will do. If you want to come and are only on road tyres do it just be ready to lose one matey.
yes dosco 1 ill have to get on ebay for tyres i have a towbar on rear cant make it tomorrow as in wakefield on course for work thanks anyway
GRUNT said:
When you get to my age young lady, you call everybody young uns.

this is gonna be a good weekend then, even being called a young lady now, not been called that in .................. mumble mumble years :eek:
that is unless of course you are nearing, or over 60 grunt? hehehehe
Miniman said:
Photos here from last year...and Maz ya old 90...http://

hmm you referring to the car or meself there? :p

still got the reg plate on the back of the caravan that's become a shed out the back now.

noticed I managed to stay out of every single pic though hehehehe
mattb said:
can anyone come got a standard disco will it be ok only had it for 6 weeks not much laning done would i need different tyres im in halifax not too far away

Or even come up in ya disco and jump in with someone do the map reading and gate opening.... That is if you cant get some A/Ts minimum. Road tyres are no good at all......

Yeh get ya self up...its going to be fun.... What you say Maz..Caz...:D
this is going to be fun.
off to asda now to get some cases of boddingtons for emergency supplies.
mind you, i may have to get some fresh ones nearer the end of november!
It is a top do.

From the other sites on the net we have about another 25ppl coming.
Its ok they dont bite like Maz.....or
Yeh it is a good weekend and you will all be in stiches of laughter at me falling of my bonnet or Jim getting blind drunk and falling all over or Mattyme falling over in his chair... You may even meet roger he is a big fella......Very quiet tho.....;)
Miniman said:
Or even come up in ya disco and jump in with someone do the map reading and gate opening.... That is if you cant get some A/Ts minimum. Road tyres are no good at all......

Yeh get ya self up...its going to be fun.... What you say Maz..Caz...:D

ye could do
Tis bound to be a great weekend ;)

Me bite..... only if i'm hungry (which some say is all the time)

soz was a bit busy there, someone sent me a link to a game
ggggggrrrrrrrr lost all track of time :eek:

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