No you will be fine in a standard 90. Have you ever done any lanes in the lakes before ? If not bring ya camera mate its a top weekend. We also know how to party so you may find a few funny ppl on saturday night. lol They are all harmless.... :D Grunt is also coming. And there is a mix of ppl off other forums. Mud Club , Northernboghoppers , ORRP ;)
Also bring ya thermals its a bit cold at the end of november last year we woke up to the hills covered in snow but it was nice to get out of bed and your first sight for the day was snowy hills.....second sight was a beautifull blond but we wont go :eek:
just read my dads thing bout knicking MY 90!!!!!!! No way, can girlies come too, can drink with the best of them!! and none of that female driving ****!!!

Dad can come and play in his disco I'll come and play in my 90, and bro can come in 88
RE previous msg -- I'm 21, size 8, blonde and love nothing more than getting down and dirty in my 90 - - Lesley
It's a goer though can't be bad. I've done a bit of laning today oop on t'mooors noorth of Helmsley and got home OK, 'Kinell ffs and wot ave you
Depends where your starting off from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nah it's west end of the moors scabbies east end. Pockley moor down to Beadlam rigg.
3 weeks today.... Now I am getting excited....he he.... OH I COULD CRUSH A GRAPE....

Just out of interest there are others from other forums going I think up to press there are about 30 people. Its a top event and lots of fun. I am going up on friday night with about half of them oh and grunt aswell if his pice of **** makes it from his

There are other women going aswell stig so ya be ok.....:D

I am not a girly, it has been my daughter hijacking my "handle". Both of us are coming up in our Disco and 90td and possibly son aswell in his 88. Barry, Lesley and Steven
Evenin' all. I'll 'ave a route sorted by end o' next week then i'll shove the LR no's up for thi. I trust you all have recovery points and a/t or better tyres:cool:
We will have lots of fun, just hope i can keep mi drink down.......:D
He said that last it dont matter if he dont have a route set out My map is marked up anyway even tho he has

Jim need to be doing them routes North of coniston again as I want to go check somat out.... The one which goes past a large :D
We will be driving up from West Lancashire in our own little convoy on Saturday morning, when sorting out the groups of vehicles please seperate my 2 as they still try to kill each other when put together (21 yrs and 18yrs), same goes for the campsite different ends for them. She'll kill me when she reads this post. Barry
Yeh not a problem. You can camp where ya want on site. your lass is probably best camping next to the other lasses they will look after her and take her under there wing they are right folk...;)

So ya may be from over preston way. Not far from me. I live 6 miles from Colne.
Miniman said:
Jim need to be doing them routes North of coniston again as I want to go check somat out.... The one which goes past a large :D

hmm this is the Lake district, are you sure you know which one? cos there are a few lanes by large lakes rofl :p
Hey babe ya joined.....yeha... Ya need to get caz to join. Stig this is one of the lasses thats going. I do know what lake because its on me map but Jim Willy has got it so he can mark up more :D
well nip across and take a peep at the map, then you will know which one you is on bout........... or has he gone all territorial on having the map now?

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