
New Member
Dear All,

I would be greatly appriciative of your expert advice / opinions with regards to my L322 TDV8 2007.

I have searched hi and low for previous threads on this but I can't seem to find one; apologies if I have missed it.

Issue - Whining noise whilst driving from area in vicinity of the centre cubby (gearbox or the rear of the gearbox (transfer box?).

The noise is similar to the sound most 4x4 make when they are running in low ratio setting. I will attempt to upload a recording of the sound so that you can hear it for yourself. There is no noise when the car is stationary with the engine running.

There is no problem with gear changes. They are not delayed and are smooth. As you may hear in the recording, the sound is not effected by gear changes. There is no change in the sound when I push the stick over to sport / multi tronic mode.

It started about 2 months ago and has got progressively louder but no change in the past 2 weeks.

There are no warnings flashing up on the dashboard.

There has been no sign of any fluid leeks on driveway.

There does not appear to be any loss of performance - potentially about 3 MPG down since noise started.

My gut feeling is that it is something to do with the transfer box but I have no idea really.

Any help, thoughts or guidance would be greatly appreciated. I know it should not be making this noise and concerned that something is going to go wrong so keen to rectify the fault before it does!

Thank you all in advance.

Yours aye,

"Whining". Sounds bearing related to me.
How many miles is the car on?
Have you tried briefly putting gearbox into neutral whilst it's making the noise for diagnoses purposes? Does the noise disappear?
Are there bearings that sometimes go in the transfer box? Do you think that may the problem?

The car is on 153,000 miles, so getting on a bit....

If I put the gearbox into neutral whilst driving there is no change at all to the noise.

If I drive it today I will put it into low-range and see if that makes any difference.

Unfortunately, I cannot get the video to upload. It keeps saying "the uploaded file does not have an allowed extension". So annoying!
Thank you for all the help thus far.

Oh dear - looks expensive.

Do you think its worth changing the transferase oil incase it is low?

Perhaps disconnect the drive and output shafts and try and turn by hand to feel for any resistance / rough movement?
Worth at least having a look at the oil in the transfer box it might give you an idea of what condition it's all in.

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