@Saint.V8 will read your post more fully later. However, forgot to add, spare key working fine, opening remotely and turning in barrel to start engine. Just something off with normal key. Battery was out of fob for a good 5minutes, whilst I also tried to fix the rubber for the lock button, as it was pressed in with so much use.
I now have two keys that work but neither do the same job! Original key will lock/unlock doors, spare key works in ignition :rolleyes: Spare key is tempermental about lock/unlock.
Spoke to local stealer, whose mechanic , when asked should I bring her in for resynch, said and I quote "yeah resynch is difficult, don't know if I remember how to do it". I then asked how much for a new key............
£147 and some pennies!!!:eek: I told them I would manage until absolutely necessary as it was ludicrous to ask £147 plus for a key for a 15yr old car. Even although I get discount I'm reckoning it would still be over the ton.
Next time I'm over that way I'll pop in and see them, see if they can say that price with a straight face. Also see if their mechanic can 'remember' what he's paid for.
I now have two keys that work but neither do the same job! Original key will lock/unlock doors, spare key works in ignition :rolleyes: Spare key is tempermental about lock/unlock.
Spoke to local stealer, whose mechanic , when asked should I bring her in for resynch, said and I quote "yeah resynch is difficult, don't know if I remember how to do it". I then asked how much for a new key............
£147 and some pennies!!!:eek: I told them I would manage until absolutely necessary as it was ludicrous to ask £147 plus for a key for a 15yr old car. Even although I get discount I'm reckoning it would still be over the ton.
Next time I'm over that way I'll pop in and see them, see if they can say that price with a straight face. Also see if their mechanic can 'remember' what he's paid for.
Worth a go if you have one working key in the iggy barrel.....

@Saint.V8 Had a busy few days but got a chance, today, to try your suggestion Ant. The first part works, the doors lock, the light on the fob flashes but, no matter how many times I tried, the doors didn't unlock and the process complete. Thanks anyway, another fine solution from St Ant, even if I'm probably doing it wrong :D I'm passing the local stealer on Friday, so will drop in and see what they say. Not holding out much hope.
Latest update. Popped into the stealers, who said they could try recoding the key that opens doors, but doesnt work in barrel, for £70ish but couldnt guarantee it would work. Or supply a new one and code it for £202. They advised not trying to code it!
I changed battery in 2nd key and now it does whàt it should. So like I told the stealers, I'll work with what I have because £202 for a key for a 15yr old car is taking the mickey.
Mihht be a bit out of dateon this but can you not swap the good blade to tge good fob?
Mihht be a bit out of dateon this but can you not swap the good blade to tge good fob?
Don't know but as I have one key behaving as it should, I'm saying thanks to the RR Gods and leaving things alone ;)

Addit: Ooops did I forget to say, change of battery in spare key means it works as it should.I'm getting old.

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