I guess that happened when Range Rovers became more Chelsea tractor and comfort and refinement were number 1 on the list and off road use became secondary. Although as we all know in the right hands they still do the business in the dirty stuff.
What happened during the evolution of the vehicle that changed things?

Nothing changed, the P38 is every bit as good as the Classic maybe even better. What changes is planks sticking silly bloody wheels on them with silly low profile tyres with no sidewall flex, that hold snow in the tread. So the contact of tyre to snow is like rubbing two ice cubes together.
I'm with discotiger, bought a 4x4 after them 2 bad winters, worked like a charm, Cumbrias been snow free ever since!
The only place I think the P38 lacks feel is under brakes. Even in dry conditions I find it a bit vague when I'm about to reach the traction point. It is a case of brake until ABS flashes. In various other vehicles you can feel so much through the brake pedal, the air system used with P38s absorbs the feedback.

Unfortunately I don't get enough bad weather to learn when she is talking to me in the snow. I just have to go in with the seat of my pants and correct it when I push too far.

Today while approaching a set of traffic lights I was hardly touching the brake pedal when all four wheels locked up, was able to recover from the skid and come to a stand still (while still behind the white line which was impressive), but there was no warning at all. With previous vehicles I could usually feel when I was about to lose traction and back off. ABS clicking off is normally the only warning I get.

But since I've got the weekend free, I think I'll head off down some untreated roads and try to get more of a feel for her.
A good 4 or 5 inches here and it's still falling hard and saint if that's a car park at Heathrow I'm only about 12 miles north of you.

As for traction, pulling away from stand still on steep hills on fresh and compacted snow with ease would suggest my winter tyres and the Rangie are doing what they say on the tin!!
Yep the company I work for operate from rented offices on the BA Maintenace Base at Good ol' LHR....
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A bit better, still only about 5 inches at the very most!!


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