I've given up trying to make mine waterproof. The main aim is to stop the water doing any damage to the steel components. I've Dinitrol-ed in the footwells, the A posts and round the transmission tunnel and inside the dash. If I see a spot of fresh rust anytime I'm working on the car I give it a little squirt with my spray bottle full of ML3125. Similarly inside the battery and ECU compartments under the seats. I've been inside the box sections of the bulkhead with the spray lance on the compressor a couple of times since I've had the car too. So whilst I can't stop the water coming in I'm trying to stop it getting rustier.
That is exactly where mine drips from. But in a straight line down from the three bolts from the windscreen
That's interesting, do you mean the bolts which go into the Aluminium brackets on the outside of the bulkhead? I have been thinking about taking them off to clean and maybe paint, perhaps I should add a thin rubber gasket.
Yes I've taken a picture but can't upload it to the site. You can see the rust smear from the water running down
How leaky can it get? Cheer me up - tell me your worst water ingress - make me feel better! Please!
And remedies... Or how to come to terms with it? Or how to pacify hubby who has had enough!!!
- Hub
Keeping it in the garage works for me when parked! :) Doesn't seem to come in much when actually driving, maybe it is just running out the bottom faster than it is coming in! :D
They water test all tratters at the factory at the very end of production after the wheel/steering alignment has been done. Water jets sprays down and at angles to give it a good drenching all over. When it comes out they check for leaks. They also check inside the doors before they fit the door cards. Volume of water is considerable but they said they recycle the water when I asked. They tape the doors to stop them falling oft and remove the tape after drying oft with hair dryers. ;)
I bet your little eyes lit up when you saw grown men with hairdryers in their hands, were you able to give them some good advice in the correct technique :p
I bet your little eyes lit up when you saw grown men with hairdryers in their hands, were you able to give them some good advice in the correct technique :p
Yes. I warned them about electrical safety and they should blow the water downhill with gravity helping rather than uphill. ;)
Wellies and rubber gloves, Electric drills, drill some more holes in the floor to help the water run away. Simples! :D
Strangely they actually put more sealer in if there's leaks. They must wipe dry first I assume. Don't know if they go through again. I guess it's just a seal top up unless there's a big problem. They log all faults so this would be fed back and production activities changed to build betterer first time to save costs and improve quality.

So is there over 30 years worth of these 'logs' lost somewhere then? Still waiting to be fed back?
I bet somebody handed somebody else a box full of paper reports and said 'here's the improvements for the water ingress' and that person just took them to the line and said 'these are for stopping the leaks' to which the production staff responded by stuffing the paper into the gaps.
I bet somebody handed somebody else a box full of paper reports and said 'here's the improvements for the water ingress' and that person just took them to the line and said 'these are for stopping the leaks' to which the production staff responded by stuffing the paper into the gaps.
Perhaps they left them in a defender and ended up with 50 Kg of papier-mâché
Mine used to leak in the usual places, through windscreen seal or vent flaps or both and in to clocks then down in to footwells. In the back because the ali floor had holes in it where it touched the steel cross members underneath, the water used to come from the road up over. The carpet in there soaked it up and the smell was great, as has already been mentioned.
It's rained since Monday night here and eventually stopped this afternoon. Took the 'new' tarp off to be greeted with this.

I know what you are all thinking, but no! It wasn't a Britpart tarp.
Where they build the tratter the building is old so the roof leaks. Puddles on the floor as yer walk round. ;)
I've been away plugging suspected leaking areas with sealant, paper, gloves..... Water travels, it finds a way, it's just not obvious?
I've given up trying to make mine waterproof. The main aim is to stop the water doing any damage to the steel components. I've Dinitrol-ed in the footwells, the A posts and round the transmission tunnel and inside the dash. If I see a spot of fresh rust anytime I'm working on the car I give it a little squirt with my spray bottle full of ML3125. Similarly inside the battery and ECU compartments under the seats. I've been inside the box sections of the bulkhead with the spray lance on the compressor a couple of times since I've had the car too. So whilst I can't stop the water coming in I'm trying to stop it getting rustier.

Perhaps as suggested, limiting damage is the only way forward? I wish I had a garage space large enough to house it , to protect it from the rainy season! Or a MASSIVE umbrella!!
Are you trying to seal it from the inside or outside? Sealing from the outside would be betterer. Clear window sealer may be an option unless there's a propper sealer for cars. Use a watering can to control where the water goes to see where it's leaking.
The inside gutter used to fill up on mine - only on the passenger side. As soon as I braked hard, water rushed up to the front and out all over missus. Hilarious!
Mine has puddles in the footwear, in my rear tub to the king cab. It leaks in through the windows, roof, doors, infact it comes through everywhere. Happy days
My inside gutters did the same, strangely I never thought to check them before setting off :(

I then replaced the seals on the alpine windows, normally a patient person but that job challenged me, the gutters are dry now but in hindsight I'd have preferred the wet thigh than take on that job again.
I remember driving the V8 109 fast through a huge puddle/small lake with a passenger in the middle of the second row, a sheet of water came up behind the front seats - he must have got half a bucket in the face!

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