How leaky can it get? Cheer me up - tell me your worst water ingress - make me feel better! Please!
And remedies... Or how to come to terms with it? Or how to pacify hubby who has had enough!!!
- Hub

Mine came tiddling in via the roof lining on both the drivers and passenger top forward corners of the doors on an otherwise immaculate 110 it drove me insane until I used this. Totally cured it by diverting the water to flow downward and not inward. My Mate had to use a slightly different variation because his doors fitted differently but use this link and have a go, it's normally to prevent flooding which I suppose is what is happening to us in out Landys.
Mine came tiddling in via the roof lining on both the drivers and passenger top forward corners of the doors on an otherwise immaculate 110 it drove me insane until I used this. Totally cured it by diverting the water to flow downward and not inward. My Mate had to use a slightly different variation because his doors fitted differently but use this link and have a go, it's normally to prevent flooding which I suppose is what is happening to us in out Landys.

I had the same on mine until I applied an inch square of gaffer tape. Three weeks and lots of rain later and it's all good still!
Jobs a good un.

Thanks for the link tho Coffeelandy , I can see that working well on mine when the tape eventually falls off.
I understand the guys on the space station can identify three things when viewing earth from the space station,
1/ The great wall of china
2/ The hoover dam

3/ Gaps around defender doors
Sounds like a laugh. But it wasn't funny today, every turn round a corner I got a soaking, every time I opened (and closed) the door; gutter gush and might as well have been fish in the footwells. Freezing too. Next investment, driving gear- frogman outfit. Depressed. Been applying silicon left, right and over (above) :(

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