John, wishing you all the luck in the world for a speedy recovery and hope the cover restrictions aren't as severe as they are at my local hospital so you get some visitors.
My sister in law had colon cancer when she was in her 20's and cancer of the thyroid. I used to know all the details but it's been 25 yrs now, I know she hasn't had to have check ups for years , think after 10 they think your in the clear? She's 52 now and right as rain. I know she had ops on her neck but don't know if the colon was cut out or chemo. I presume they join the good ends together?
I have some spare 19mm heater hose if they need it:D.
Has your wife got your log in details so we can be updated? You'll probably be spaced out for a few days, morphine is great stuff;)
John, wishing you all the luck in the world for a speedy recovery and hope the cover restrictions aren't as severe as they are at my local hospital so you get some visitors.
My sister in law had colon cancer when she was in her 20's and cancer of the thyroid. I used to know all the details but it's been 25 yrs now, I know she hasn't had to have check ups for years , think after 10 they think your in the clear? She's 52 now and right as rain. I know she had ops on her neck but don't know if the colon was cut out or chemo. I presume they join the good ends together?
I have some spare 19mm heater hose if they need it:D.
Has your wife got your log in details so we can be updated? You'll probably be spaced out for a few days, morphine is great stuff;)
Check ups for 5 yrs now then back to GP.
Glad somebody at last has found some spare hose
All taken care of for updates. May be a couple of days if I go into HDU
Quite partial to drop of morphine these days:D:D:D
Hey John @Rubberknees
Soz , only just come across this thread.
My thoughts are all with you and hoping for a speedy recovery.

Don't know if this will help, but my brother has in the past year had all his colon removed, his bladder and part of his kidney.
But he is still alive and kicking and out an about in his noo campervan.

So we are all rooting tooting for you!!!!!
Very best of luck with the op!!!:):):):)
Hey mate, sorry to hear that! Fingers crossed everything works out ok, also for your loved ones. It's hard enough for you, people close to you tend to be somewhat ignored so. I saw the same a couple of years ago with my now wife. Everybody worried about me and just assuked she's doing alright with our 3 year old.

All the best!

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