Right guys and gals. Saw the consultant at Western Park Hospital yesterday and the normal treatment for my type of cancer and operation post procedure is 6 mnths of intravenous chemo given once every 2 weeks. The big side affect of this treatment is that it can cause angina attacks. On considering my history of Guilain-Barre syndrome and heart problems I would definitely have angina attacks and heart attacks. With at least one heart attack being a fatal one.
Normally without chemo I would be given a 60% chance of living 5 or more years and with chemo 70% chance BUT with chemo I would not probably see the treatment due to heart failure. Taking all these factors into consideration I have decide to not have the chemo treatment. The doctor agreed with me and said I had made the right decision. So now its back to Rotherham to go onto a 5year monitoring program. Nothing much more to say but the old Land Rover motto One Life Live It:D:D and I surely will:)
Right guys and gals. Saw the consultant at Western Park Hospital yesterday and the normal treatment for my type of cancer and operation post procedure is 6 mnths of intravenous chemo given once every 2 weeks. The big side affect of this treatment is that it can cause angina attacks. On considering my history of Guilain-Barre syndrome and heart problems I would definitely have angina attacks and heart attacks. With at least one heart attack being a fatal one.
Normally without chemo I would be given a 60% chance of living 5 or more years and with chemo 70% chance BUT with chemo I would not probably see the treatment due to heart failure. Taking all these factors into consideration I have decide to not have the chemo treatment. The doctor agreed with me and said I had made the right decision. So now its back to Rotherham to go onto a 5year monitoring program. Nothing much more to say but the old Land Rover motto One Life Live It:D:D and I surely will:)
Right guys and gals. Saw the consultant at Western Park Hospital yesterday and the normal treatment for my type of cancer and operation post procedure is 6 mnths of intravenous chemo given once every 2 weeks. The big side affect of this treatment is that it can cause angina attacks. On considering my history of Guilain-Barre syndrome and heart problems I would definitely have angina attacks and heart attacks. With at least one heart attack being a fatal one.
Normally without chemo I would be given a 60% chance of living 5 or more years and with chemo 70% chance BUT with chemo I would not probably see the treatment due to heart failure. Taking all these factors into consideration I have decide to not have the chemo treatment. The doctor agreed with me and said I had made the right decision. So now its back to Rotherham to go onto a 5year monitoring program. Nothing much more to say but the old Land Rover motto One Life Live It:D:D and I surely will:)
Good luck with it, remember diet and life style can affect your chances, or so the "experts" tell us.
Hey Rubberknees,

all the best then! Have to agree, risking a fatal heart attack to increase the odds a little bit isn't worth it. Fingers crossed everything works out good!
So they say Keith. I have eaten a healthy diet most of my life so maybe its time to say sod it and just stick 2 fingers up at the "experts":D:D:D
There comes a time when you just think "Sod it" and start doing what you want and are capable of doing, after all whats the worst that can happen?
Anyway, I'm not going to butt into your thread, just good luck with it all, it is after all your life, just get on and live it.
There comes a time when you just think "Sod it" and start doing what you want and are capable of doing, after all whats the worst that can happen?
Anyway, I'm not going to butt into your thread, just good luck with it all, it is after all your life, just get on and live it.
Get busy living, or get busy dying.”

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