Every time I try the chisel method, I end up clouting my hand or something breakable nearby. Before I resort to that I would apply as much heat as possible and try shifting the nut with a pair of footprints.
OK I haven't taken this job any further because the heads on the nuts are completely rounded and impossible to budge. I can't see how to get them off. Any advice on this one very welcome.
In a bit late on this, but a very handy set of inexpensive "nut splitter" tools are invaluable when dealing with siezed nuts, and the best part, you won't clobber yer 'and wif tha 'ammer.
This what I mean. The wipers are spinning

The wiper arm should pull off the splines when it's lifted away from the screen.

To remove the wheel box assembly lift and pull off wiper arm, undo the grub screw in the adaptor (silver screw in black ring visible in the video) pull off adaptor and undo the nut on the shaft. The wheel box will then just pull out from the inside.
Have a look at this pic and you will see a little bolt in the collar; yours seems to have sheared off. Undo the bolt and the splined end will pull off the shaft of the wheelbox. You have a problem in undoing the bolt... Is there enough to get hold of with mole or vice grips?
I'm assuming that you've removed the rack and it is out of the picture?
Wheelbox outer.resized.JPG
Thanks guys for the pictures and for helping me understand what the issue is.
I've been really busy all summer with my mini B&B and haven't had time to work of the landy much (and now it's porcini picking season so it'll have to wait a tad longer).
I managed to get all the bolts off the prop shafts using the torch. I cleaned as much grease off as possible and put a tray full of water underneath to catch any burning lumps of grease and muck. I forgot how hot things get when you torch them and forgot to put thick gloves over the nitril gloves when I took it off - that made me swear! An old iPhone charger cable came in handy too to stop the shaft dropping on the floor.

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