suggested before that you take the intercooler off and clean everything, as did Buster. re the airbox, if thats your intake on top would point it to the front.

and i know your'e bloody english.
have you checked your wastegate on the turbo is not stuck? Mines adjusted slightly for more boost and I can defo here the turbo spin up:D. If you remove the actuator rod going onto the wastegate arm on the turbo, then you should be able to freely move the wastegate arm. When the wastegate is shut the actuator rod is at it's shortest, so if you were to adjust the rod i.e. shorten it, then you would end up with more boost.
Had a play with the actuator rod, it does move, takes a little effort but not too much.
Cor i sit at 70 in me 19J and today i topped 90 ( ask Vagrent he was sat next to me when i did it ) on a nice gentle hill.

Can't hear the turbo though as the engine is shaking itself to bits :rolleyes:
loses none at all...

There's your problem then, if it aint losing oil it's obviously keeping it in the engine which is the last place you want it on a Landy, it should be on the floor.

no wonder you got issues :p:D
I know i have a 300TDi but i can here the whistle off of the turbo when acelerating and i have replaced all of the hoses a few months ago, Even with my TD i coul dhere the turbo whistle. Even if the intercooler was blocked the turbo would still whistle but not work to its best, same if you had a split hose it would still whistle,

Even just giving it a rev up you should here it whistle.

Personally i would check the boost pressure, It might not be increasing the fueling ??

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