Fitted a boost gauge to my 200tdi a week ago - didn't take long to do and now I know what my turbo is boosting at. Think I paid £25 (ish) for the gauge.
Before mate broke his by teaching it to swim with no snorkel his would sit at 75 mph all day and was quite quick on acceleration. Where do you live storm?
The CAF (Cold Air Feed) pipe between your air filter box and the turbo inlet wont be causing any problems unless it has collapsed internally. These lengths of pipe are designed specifically to be placed before the turbo (on the suction / vacuum side) and are wire re-inforced to prevent the pipe from being sucked flat under the immense draw from the engine. They can, therefore, be positioned at all kind of angles / funny positions. On the first turn of the key, the entire length of the air intake system, from the inlet manifold right back to the air filter is under vacuum and any weak / collapsed pipe work will be sucked flat, starving the engine of air. If a collapsed pipe is not replaced, the engine will always struggle to draw in air and ultimately fail to create boost. Only when the engine has picked up, you have oil pressure and some soot has been thrown down the exhaust, does the turbo spool up and create boost. You then have some pressure between the turbo outlet and the inlet manifold but the length of pipe between the air filter and the turbo inlet is ALWAYS under vacuum. The turbo only boosts completely when the engine is under load, so fitting a boost gauge and trying to get a reading whilst the vehicle is stationary, but with the engine revving hard will give false readings. You need to be working it hard or accelerating away on a slight incline to get a good boost reading.

Have you started on the list yet!?
May sound stupid but is your throttle opening fully. Mine wasnt tis now. Difference unbelievable :doh:

Good thinking that and wouldn't it be a pain in the arse if he spent hours checking everything over for it to be something so trivial. The throttle cable can stretch or become dis-engaged / dislodged from the throttle arm.

Know how you feel Storm max speed from mine is about 60mph, although was running a 200tdi,LT77, disco T/b and 285/75x16 tyres. Changed the tyres this morning for 275/70x16 and can already feel a difference, 5th gear was always next to useless, any resembling an incline and had to change down.

Always felt as if there wasn't enough power from the engine, will be using a motorway on Sunday so will report back on how it is with the slightly smaller tyres.

Right, quick update.

Only managed to have a look for an hour today as i work nights and it'll be getting dark soon.

All pipes/hoses look intact and fastened tightly. The air hose from filter to turbo looks like its a poor fit at turbo end but it is snug. Only thing that concerns me is the hose goes under the filter and seems to be restricted a little where it snakes around the inner wing, but its only slight, not flat.

Oil level is fine and is in good condition.

Throttle linkage is at maximum, so can't be adjusted any further...this may mean its not opening fully...however i reluctantly gave it the beans on the motorway this morning and it reached 60mph in 4th..i felt there was no more to get so changed to 5th and as usual, no torque..gradually slipped down to 55mph and cruised at that. I'm beginning to consider changing wheels and tyres to 215's or 205's rather than the 235/85's i'm running. Shame i cant borrow a set to test but landy owners here are few and far between (denmark to whoever it was that asked).

Going to look at fuel pump tomorrow with Adz on skype.

Ordered another full set of fliters and a lift pump..will be here in a week so be fitted next weekend and will report back'

Thanks for help and ideas so far. :D

If it doesn't get sorted i'll be in uk in april i think so may be begging for help then!!
Can't see it being the tyre set up mate, i have the same and can hit 90 with a 19J under the bonnet.
Can't see it being the tyre set up mate, i have the same and can hit 90 with a 19J under the bonnet.

There must be something seriously wrong with mine as never even got close to that kind of speed, max of 70mph downhill with prevailing wind.

Thanks Lee..will be interested to hear how you get on..Paul, it is an odd one, i'm sure my N/A did the same top end as i now get in 4th with the tdi...but 5th gear is really weak.

Forgot to mention, i moved the air inlet hose on top of filter as much as i could away from the manifold area (it was pointing directly towards the bulkhead)..its now pointing across towards the wing, not ideal but due to the top intercooler pipe it wont go any further...will go and buy some flexi-pipe tomorrow and get it pointing directly forward if i can...but surely i'll get all sorts of rainwater/****e in it??
Thanks Lee..will be interested to hear how you get on..Paul, it is an odd one, i'm sure my N/A did the same top end as i now get in 4th with the tdi...but 5th gear is really weak.

Forgot to mention, i moved the air inlet hose on top of filter as much as i could away from the manifold area (it was pointing directly towards the bulkhead)..its now pointing across towards the wing, not ideal but due to the top intercooler pipe it wont go any further...will go and buy some flexi-pipe tomorrow and get it pointing directly forward if i can...but surely i'll get all sorts of rainwater/****e in it??

Your grill, rad and intercooler will stop most of the crap entering the inlet pipe.
Can't see how both of you have this problem with the wheel set up, i gotta admit the 90 was down a slight hill, but we're not talking a huge slope, just a gentle incline. It'll sit at 70 no problems and i'm certain the insides of the engine are fooked as it drinks oil like a fish ( 1ltr a week atm ), and the turbo has a 3-4mm play on the spindle ( although sucks like a fookin industrial hoover, nearly lost me watch the other week :eek: )

You both got the standard gearbox in them? Not sure if this makes a difference, but if you had restrictions on any part of the engine or running of it, i'd of thought you will have lack of power through the range, not just top end...

See how you get on with Adz and report back, interesting to see how this goes :D
I'm completely new to turbos Paul, so waiting for Adz to educate me as to adjustments etc...frankly, i have no idea, can understand the physics but i need to know what to play with and where.

Standard fender LT77 box with the Disco transfer box on it.
Good luck with it mate, i'd be interested in the turbo diagnostics as i know bugger all about em either except mine shouldn't have that much play in it :(
Mine is standard fender engine with relatively new turbo, doesn't use a lot of oil, standard LT77 box, recently changed, disco t/b. Always felt that wasn't enougfh power in the engine to effectively use 5th gear, hoping that slightly smaller tyres will mean I can now use the full range of gearbox
Hi Paul - are you running a disco tbox as well as 235/85's ? Pics in a minute Storm ;)

Ok mate...will have a look...not here much this evening as my sons arriving in a bit and we're off out. Strangely he doesn't show much enthusiasm for standing around outside in the snow poking about under the bonnet in the dark.

I may request a paternity test.
Hi Paul - are you running a disco tbox as well as 235/85's ? Pics in a minute Storm ;)

No mate, standard 90 set up, all original.

The issue sounds like a def t/b problem as they lacked top end when mated to a def g/b & 200Tdi, but neither of you have one.

Looks like the turbo and Adz to the rescue :D

Oh and my speedo maybe a little erratic, so the 90 may just be 85, but it looked good for abit y'know :)

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