Well progress has been slow, but steady.
Tub base has been tidied up and the steel strengtheners primed, all ready for the slathering on of nice fresh waxoyl. :D
tub floor improvements.JPG

Chassis is coming along too...ready for the primer this weekend, hopefully.

improving 4.JPG

Slight issue with on of the outriggers tho.... probably just patch this one.

questionable outrigger.JPG

If only my 4 jobs would leave me in peace for a day or two....:rolleyes:
I do like a nice satin black chassis.....

satin black.JPG

...especially with shiny bits bolted on.

Then it was off with the old and on with the new...

Crossmember jig 1.JPG

Crossmember jig 2.JPG

just need to find someone to weld the damn thing now.

Was contemplating riveting the side sections to hold it in place until then. Thoughts???
Great progress there! I used big ‘g’ clamps to hold the steel together until I was ready to weld. Although, rivets are a good idea too, as you can just drill them out and fill with weld at the end.:)
Finished the underside of the tub and stuck it back on just long enough to check that the crossmember matched up ok. It does. So removed tub again to continue the painting process - who would have thought it could ever be too hot for painting metal in Scotland???

Inside of tub:
interior of tub.JPG

So while waiting for welder to do his bit, and for the tub to be sanded, wiped, multi-coated and generally made presentable, I got on with another couple of jobs.

Rear wheel cylinders have been changed and shoes checked (ok)
Seat box mountings taken care off and seat box removed:
Fuel tanks.JPG

seat box.JPG

at least the garage is cool enough that I can get on with that section at least, as well as progressing the chassis.
Painting progresses.

However, seems I have a slight problem. I have a selection of gearboxes, and had already decided to fit the one described as the original when I picked up the beast. Previous owner wanted to keep whatever box he had been running around with, but didn't have the time (inclination?) to refit when it was trailered away to the place I first saw it advertised.
Anyway....it seems that the mounting plate (marked A in fig 6.7 on the attached;)

gbox mount diag.JPG

wasn't included in the deal.
I can find part numbers for the chassis brackets, I can find part numbers for the gearbox brackets, I can find part numbers for the mounting rubber bits....but I cannot find the number for that silly little plate (always assuming they are not sided!! :eek:). Help! Please!! :)
Well 2 months have flown past - the joys of seasonally affected work. Stuff has been going on, or more accurately coming off, but I haven't had the time to write any of it up.
Seat base was painted and an old seat base sourced for the driver's side. New seat bases and backs are on order - still need a base for the passenger side. having twin tanks means both sides have to be lift-out-able.
Doors have been painted, inside and out.
Bonnet has been painted - both sides, and new fittings obtained. Anyone care to explain why the left hinge is 4x the price of the right one??? :confused:
Gear lever has been sourced - I have three gearboxes but no selector. Weird!
Gearbox is slightly reluctant to mate with the engine but that can now wait until bulkhead is out of the way.
Pics to follow for the above.
Front end: Front grill and slam panel removed. Greatly amused at the painting approach for the grill. :p
front panel.JPG

Both wings detached - now that was a bit of a struggle - not my idea of fun at all, but they are off and that is the main thing. I have just received shiny new mud shields from our friends at YRM. Looking forward to finding that reassembly is soooooo much easier than stripping down.:eek:

os wing.JPG

ns wing.JPG

So now on the joyful task of stripping out the bulkhead. It is a race against time...will the rust collapse before I get it out???

bulkhead main.JPG

A few interesting aspects along the way - like why the brake servo is not actually attached to anything?
Brake servo.JPG

Heater came out ok tho

heater gone.JPG

Still fighting with the inward side.

Wiper motor.JPG

Right, off to watch the rugby - Ulster v Glasgow. Hoping to get a bit of painting done tomorrow and some pics taken before heading to Murrayfield for Edinburgh v Scarlets. First actual day off in 3 months :D. Tourists....gotta love them :rolleyes:
Good game on Friday. Even better one in the flesh on Saturday. Good to see crowds back influencing the refs :D

So just in case anyone is in any doubt, I am NOT trying to produce a show car. I am merely trying to upgrade the towsy local tyke into a semi-respectable working girl.

and to that end, a couple of pics to catch up with the last entry:

Front panel painted.JPG

Bonnet painted.JPG

rear end painted.JPG

barke servo and clutch mc.JPG

top of bulkhead.JPG

So now I need to do something about the steering column, and the rat's nest that lies between the gauges and the engine bay. :( All hints and tips readily received! Oh, and also the removal of the lower dash. I thought I had removed all the screws, but it doesn't want to move. o_O
Looking good Maestro :)

I'm not much help, never stripped a Series, but obviously there must be something still holding the lower Dash :D
OK so some prat had put sealant round the lower dash interior which is why it wouldn't just succumb to gravity once the bolts and screws were out. Took a bit of pulling and prising, but we finally got there. Then there was the steering wheel :eek:

Steering wheel.JPG

Took a few hits with hammer on hammer, but it finally gave in. I have been a bit paranoid about steering wheels ever since I broke my nose removing the wheel of a Cortina back in the mid 80's :p. One lives and hopefully learns :oops:

And so there was one:
Bare bulkhead.JPG

Once the rain stops I will complete the strip down!!!!

Meanwhile one or two other bits have been attended to:
New front shocks and bump stops:
front shock and bump stop.JPG

Why do they not include the split pin with the shocker???? Why did John Craddocks not contact me to ask if I wanted/needed the split pins? :rolleyes::mad:
Yet another order going in shortly, although I did manage to forget the windscreen seal all by myself :(

Bodywork painting should be finished today, and once bulkhead is out of the way I can finish off the chassis. New bulkhead hopefully being collected on Thursday, but not holding my breath :)

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