To my way of thinking yes a tweaked pump will give more performance but to increase air density anything over and above a standard intercooler your gains are going to be pretty minimal, a lot of peeps swear by silicon hoses but again the gains, realistically, aren't going to make a lot of difference.
Tis a personal choice but a tweak is the one that costs least, easiest to do and makes a noticable difference IF your happy to run a bit more smokey and run the extra power through an old motor......

Me......I'm happy as it is I just wish I could work out what the fook is happening in me gearbox
my 200 tdi has done 80,000 miles not 200 thou but i see wat your saying but ive had mates who did the tweak but they got the smoke but i thought with the front mount tweaked pump and turbo you wouldnt get the smoke if done right also another question would it smoke less as im running it on bio diesel? my golf runs a lot better on the stuff and cleaner too
I have an Allard full size intercooler and a tweaked pump. My 200TDi will sit all day long in 5th and pull like a train. When towing it saves the endless gear changes.

I have blocked both the intercooler and the rad when it got stuck in the mud lake at Yarwell. I hydrolocked the engine on that occasion as well. After it was fixed the totally blocked radiators made it run hot at high RPM. Took me a few days to work out what the problem was!!
i tweaked my pump and raised the boost to 1.2 bar in my 300tdi defender it runs great but i wouldent buy a bigger intercooler because i am almost 100% sure that i cant tell any differense maby if you where fitting bigger turbo other injectors and bigger fuel pump with larger elements and so on maby then a bigger intercooler will make any difference but not with the standard engine
When i fitted a 200Tdi intercooler to me 19J i was fortunate to have CharlesY on hand explaining the benefits of intercoolers.

From my recollection, the bigger the better, not because of performance but less stress on the engine due to cooler air ( yes the 19J ran hotter because it didn't have one to start with ) and tbh i did get a better result from the engine by fitting one.

If i was you, i'd take a trip down the scrap yard with a tape measure, have a nosey about in the yard at the intercoolers on any vehicle and measure up for where ever you want to put it and find a match? You could then fit a 19J rad in there for extra cooling i suppose if your 200Tdi intercooler is removed and the new one placed somewhere else.

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