Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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just bought a 91 disco 200 tdi and been quoted £298 for fully comp, by swift cover, is this about normal i am 59 years old with full no claims, anybody direct me to cheaper
Yup.. I know... But Elephant under cut the cheapest quote I had by £50... Could try them, but either way, everyone's insurance has gone up a lot this year!

Mine went up £20 for anything upto 7.5 ton £660 including my lorry.
admiral, 56 full ncb, protected ncb, breakdown,personal injury,audio to a value of £1250, winscreen, the works. £266.Fully comp. 10,000 miles a year. cheers elt.
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just bought a 91 disco 200 tdi and been quoted £298 for fully comp, by swift cover, is this about normal i am 59 years old with full no claims, anybody direct me to cheaper

Is cause you are an old person and shouldn't really be allowed on the road:D
Is cause you are an old person and shouldn't really be allowed on the road:D
You peeps in the UK have cheap insurance rates, compared to here in the USA $112 a month 61 yrs old no claims 20 yrs or tickets and that is per car and we have 2 cars= $224 a month:eek::eek::eek:
Try performance direct, they are doing me as a 42 year old with full no claims living in a rural low crime area for £220 on a 300Tdi Jap reimport.

Or if not bothered about no claims then a modified policy for my 200 with winch, mud tyres etc etc etc is £68 on a 3000 mile a year policy with Frank Pickles.
Hi to all our colonial friends,I will swap your insurance rates, as long as we only have to pay $3.65 a gallon.cheers elt.
You peeps in the UK have cheap insurance rates, compared to here in the USA $112 a month 61 yrs old no claims 20 yrs or tickets and that is per car and we have 2 cars= $224 a month:eek::eek::eek:

yeh. but your fuels a lot cheaper. swings and roundabouts i suppose.
any way. ain`t you guys always sueing each other?:D thats gonna drive the cost up.
It looks like you are in the right ballpark, sometimes commodity insurers throw up anomalies but I wouldn`t bother trying another one for a comparable quote - try a specialist broker instead like Flux, Firebond, Footman James or Sureterm , you only need one, and do it over the phone not the net.
If you have other cars in the family see what happens if you add the 90 to an existing policy to do a multi-car.
Make sure you are getting like for like comparisons though - same excesses, same mileage limit if any, same ncb, same reflection of driving history, same use restrictions or additions.
Its not all about price either, if you end up with one £30 or £40 cheaper but harder to deal with its a false economy. I nearly always used the NFU because they were brilliant to deal with and very flexible on things like temporary additional drivers or vehicles, then my insurance went up 72% in a year........................................
ain`t you guys always sueing each other?:D thats gonna drive the cost up.
Yea them greedy bastids , they are just about to the point if you look at someone funny they'll sue you. The people think insurance company's have lots of money. They don't realize that they are the insurance company and they keep it afloat with there money. and gas and diesel is at this time is about$3.99 plus or minus .10cents. Your cars get better mpg and we have to drive so far to go anywhere. On the farm does have its disadvantages, is the miles driven per week example 70 miles to get the kids to school per day thats 1 1/2 hrs driving kids to school each day, drive 45 min to doctor appointment and the list goes on how far you drive to do everyday things.:D:D
elt is that inurance with admaral online or telephone, either way that seems to be the best, thanks everyone
Hi peter8315, the price is on line. The only problem i have found with this quote is they want to charge me over £70 to spread it over12 months, so i am going to pay in full. now if you do that they say they will drop the quote price by at least 10% so now i will be phoning them to see how much more than 10% they are going to offer me .Watch this space.cheers elt.
best about it i am running a volvo 960 with over 200 horses with swift for £256 and tried a quote online for the disco and came back as £298, how do they work that out there both the same year about the same value, i think they give you a low price at first to get you in then bang it up the next year
just bought a 91 disco 200 tdi and been quoted £298 for fully comp, by swift cover, is this about normal i am 59 years old with full no claims, anybody direct me to cheaper

10 years younger, so is the motor 4.0 V8 with swift £223. Although I have got to move away from them as they won't cover it with the larger engine:(
Or if not bothered about no claims then a modified policy for my 200 with winch, mud tyres etc etc etc is £68 on a 3000 mile a year policy with Frank Pickles.

I tried Frank Pickles today and they no longer insure 4x4's :confused:

They refer you to Adrian Flux. I was already with them so I just renewed it at a cost of £438 but that includes all the mods I have done like suspension lift, bullbar etc. Plus all the extras they offer like key cover, personal injury etc, take them off and you probably could knock £100 off.
I tried Frank Pickles today and they no longer insure 4x4's :confused:

They refer you to Adrian Flux. I was already with them so I just renewed it at a cost of £438 but that includes all the mods I have done like suspension lift, bullbar etc. Plus all the extras they offer like key cover, personal injury etc, take them off and you probably could knock £100 off.

really? That's a bugger, I'm with frank pickles and it's soon renewal time

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