Cav? you can get kit for them, fiddly fcuk to do in situ, lots of towels for when you drop summat.
Simple enough from memory, but governor spring is very very important to get right hole.
Cav? you can get kit for them, fiddly fcuk to do in situ, lots of towels for when you drop summat.
Simple enough from memory, but governor spring is very very important to get right hole.
Not enough bothered to do it myself. Looks like a job for Diesel Bob up in preston.
I took mine off, got the full o-ring kit off e-bay for under £20 and replaced the lot. The kit comes with all the seals for the various options. The manual is on the web. I cleaned the bench, put clean paper down, got a jar of clean diesel and a clean paint brush and set to. Took an hour to get the pump off, 2 hours on the bench to change the seals and clean the input filter and an hour to put it back so its a £20 and half days work. You don't even have to do a full strip as you can just slip the main body out enough to swap the o-ring. It was leaking like a sieve from the main body, the shut-off, and the governor.. 3 years on and not a drop. Very happy and at £20 it came in on budget.
I took mine off, got the full o-ring kit off e-bay for under £20 and replaced the lot. The kit comes with all the seals for the various options. The manual is on the web. I cleaned the bench, put clean paper down, got a jar of clean diesel and a clean paint brush and set to. Took an hour to get the pump off, 2 hours on the bench to change the seals and clean the input filter and an hour to put it back so its a £20 and half days work. You don't even have to do a full strip as you can just slip the main body out enough to swap the o-ring. It was leaking like a sieve from the main body, the shut-off, and the governor.. 3 years on and not a drop. Very happy and at £20 it came in on budget.
I’d sooner pay £200 and have done with it. Only because I’m stinking rich you understand and half a day letting the staff run riot round the estate may lead to me having to shoot several. A castle dunt look after itself tha nos.
You should have said:p
Perhaps its all that red diesel your estate manager has been putting in it when you pay him to fill up?;)
£200 is might cheap for a prpper DPA pump overall.
An approximation you understand.
Diesel Bob is one of the best specialists in the country and he is assessing the CAV pump as we speak.
It’s not a stupid old one so a service may be all that is required.
I do like Diesel Bob.
I phoned him before sending the pump to see how I would pay him before he started.
My first question was obviously how much do I send you. Answered very quickly with ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with it yet’. :D
It would seem my pump is close to self destruct. Had a chat with Bob today and he was genuinely shocked it ran at all. Just about all of it is hanging by the skin of its teeth :oops:

He will rebuild it but its a fair few quid. Only a fraction of a replacement though thank jehova. ;)
He said Jehova stone him!
I wish someone would. Spoke to Bob today and although the pump is ready his two testers are off with covid. No idea when it’s going to be returned :mad:
Can’t blame him, he’s as miffed as me. Ruddy lightweights. :rolleyes:
I've had covid a month or so back along with the rest of the family and I felt like I was skiving for the week. No symptoms to speak of, I think a lot are using it as an excuse to swing the lead.
I've had covid a month or so back along with the rest of the family and I felt like I was skiving for the week. No symptoms to speak of, I think a lot are using it as an excuse to swing the lead.
He did say they work on their own and could be fully isolated in the workshop so if they ain’t comatose then they are taking the mick.
I was looking forward to getting it back on this week.
He dunt half swear a lot to a customer on the phone :eek:

Can’t fault him :D

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