I did put it in the nanocom but it still no go I will go out and try all the procedures again. I can not see why it wouldn't start , the boot will open and drivers door but all the other doors are deadlocked the windows and sunroof open and the display comes up with engine disabled press remote or enter eka code. Thanks again for all your help
Shouldn't need the fob code for anything.

Go to the EMS in the EDC module. Check the code. Go to the BECM module and check the security code is the saame there. If it is, go through the settings in the BECM module. I think there is an immobiliser setting and also an alarm one. Disable anything like alarms or immobilisers. From memory in the BECM you have to press write settings or similar. I had a similar issue at some stage. I'll try and find the thread.

If the drivers lock and boot is locking / unlocking and the other doors aren't then it might be the microswitches on the driver's lock actuator or the other door lock actuator motors are fried or there's a loose wire coming out of the driver's lock actuator.
Cannot find the link. Now I think about it someone else was asking on my behalf and I was sending text messages with progress back as I was stuck in a car-park somewhere!

I remember desperation was setting in and I just switched off any kind f security feature the Nanocom let me and then suddenly she started and has ever since.

Incidentally, if there is an issue with the microswitches on you lock actuator then the EKA code may not go in using the key.
I'll get my Nanocom out in the morning and post the settings I have here. Might help.

Just out of interest, does the door unlock using the keyfob?
Thanks Grrrrrrr, I am close to striking a match!!! Yes the drivers door does unlock with the key but not with pressing the key fob! I'll check in the morning to see if you have posted the setting. Appreciate your help :)
Do you absolutely 100% totally positively know the EKA code you're using is actually the correct one!? Mine needed the EKA code and the one supplied by the previous keeper, a good pal of mine, was wrong with the correct numbers mixed incorrectly. I confirmed the correct EKA at the local LR Agent after showing them I'm the registered keeper with my V5 Registration Doc.

Have you tried turning x4 turns of the door lock to the lock position to initiate EKA to BECM before inputting the first right turn of the EKA?
Yes I went to main dealer to check the EKA code. I have tried it many different ways ? I can hear the BECM click when I disarm it with the nanocom as I put the EKA code in ????
Sorry for the delay. I'm on childcare duty this morning.

Resynching - I think we're agreed this is all working but best to check, just in case the How To lin is here: http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f71/r...-diesel-engine-becm-using-nanocom-206351.html

Settings from my BECM:

Sunroof;Not Fitted
Fog Lights;Rear Sidelights
Daylight Running;Disabled
Service light;Disabled
Range lamp;Enabled
Window cancel;Disabled
Trip Computer;Not Fitted
CAT AMP/Heater;Not Fitted
DRIVE;Right Hand
Speed limit;100
Gear box;Manual
Engine;Late EDC
Wiper speed;Disabled
Cruise;Not Set
Moisture detect;Disabled
UK police;Normal
Lazy locking;1 Shot Key and FOB
1 touch;Front
Alarm noise;Pulsed
Alarm Lights;Hazards
Key Warning;Disabled
Immobilization Code;1234
FOB code;---
FOB code;---
FOB code;---
Software Level;36
Date (dd/mm/yyyy);1995/06/01

Settings from my EDC here:

NANOCOM - EDC.APP - EDC Settings file

Hardware revision;0281001272
Software revision;2537355458
Firmware revision;2246209
Identity number;563
EMS Code;1234
Idle value;128

Note BECM Immobolisation Code = EDC EMS code.

If all still no go then check the key is synched. Problem is, I'm not sure if you can do this if the EKA is locked out? Others will know.

If it is the EKA code it should be possible to unlock using the Nanocom but I've never tried. BBS forums might know of any quirks.

It may not take the EKA code if the microswitch that triggers it isn't working on the driver's lock actuator.

Good luck!
Just noticed my BECM says late EDC. On a 1995? Seems to work anyway.
Well spent the last 5 hr working on this problem had a auto tech out with me and we came to the opinion that the BECM is not doing as we ask.
When you ask the nanocom to open a window or door lock it doesn't do anything ??
It goes through the procedure but nothing happened ??
So at a dead end with it.
Well spent the last 5 hr working on this problem had a auto tech out with me and we came to the opinion that the BECM is not doing as we ask.
When you ask the nanocom to open a window or door lock it doesn't do anything ??
It goes through the procedure but nothing happened ??
So at a dead end with it.
Sounds like you have provoked the BECM into a full security lock out. PM Rick the Pick, (Callrover) He's the expert on these situations, you will probably need to send the BECM to him to have it unlocked.
Talking to me. I'll change it back but I'm not sure it does anything!
Wammers do you mean change the BECM or the setting to late EDC on nanocom ?

If you have EGR it is late EDC if you don't it's early EDC. ECU has extra functions for EGR control on 1998 and on cars. On early ECUs inlet air temp is a variable, on later units it's a preset to ensure EGR operation at all ambient temperatures.
If you have EGR it is late EDC if you don't it's early EDC. ECU has extra functions for EGR control on 1998 and on cars. On early ECUs inlet air temp is a variable, on later units it's a preset to ensure EGR operation at all ambient temperatures.
You are talking to the wrong person Tony, it's Grrrr that posted about having an early EDC not the OP, too much JD?:rolleyes::D
You are talking to the wrong person Tony, it's Grrrr that posted about having an early EDC not the OP, too much JD?:rolleyes::D

He asked a question, i answered him explained difference in Early and late EDC. It answered Grrrr query also hopefully. ;)

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