Thank you Mozz for your help, your a star and I am grateful too you, but Unfortunatly for me still no go. I believe it has locked me out completely. I am considering buying a diagnostic tool after reading previous comments. I am keeping the range rover so it would be a good investment. Asking you chaps for more advice which is the best kit to buy, which will help me with future lockouts and fault clearing. Thanks again Mozz and other members for you help :)

hi clyde, thanks very much for your comments ,had a look whos near you with either sycmate kicker or diagnostics and nearest I can see is dogsbody in Bristol bit of a drag down to you but p.m. him and see what the crack is !!!!! ,alternatively see if you can do a deal with your nearest main dealer to re-sync it with their diagnostics ??? I know their not usually cheap but might be worth a try ,, my recommendations if you want to buy diagnostics is faultmate msv2 from bbs in Cyprus , e-mail colin see if he will do you a deal or finally see if theres any syncmate kickers about on fleabay etc ,,,hope this has helped someway and sorry I couldn't do it , but ring if I can hep in any other way ,,ok mate speak soon and kind regards MOZZ :)
hi clyde, thanks very much for your comments ,had a look whos near you with either sycmate kicker or diagnostics and nearest I can see is dogsbody in Bristol bit of a drag down to you but p.m. him and see what the crack is !!!!! ,alternatively see if you can do a deal with your nearest main dealer to re-sync it with their diagnostics ??? I know their not usually cheap but might be worth a try ,, my recommendations if you want to buy diagnostics is faultmate msv2 from bbs in Cyprus , e-mail colin see if he will do you a deal or finally see if theres any syncmate kickers about on fleabay etc ,,,hope this has helped someway and sorry I couldn't do it , but ring if I can hep in any other way ,,ok mate speak soon and kind regards MOZZ :)

As Mozz says, the Faultmate MSV2 Extreme is an awesome piece of kit, but comes with an awesome price...around the £600 mark

BBS also do the Nanocom which is a mighty powerful tool and comes in around £350.
With mine giving similar issues my local Main Dealer was quite happy to recommend to me a-man-with-a-diagnostic-plug–and-a-laptop who can speak fluent Range Rover P38 bibble bobble that works on a freelance basis (not their staff member) and regularly rescues customers out in the field (maybe literally). Would a chat with your local Land Rover Dealer Service Counter connect you with a similar guy as they must have someone they use within the trade with a mobile electrician / specialist on call?

I'd see little point in referencing this South Wales guy to you specifically as neither of you are likely in one another's sphere of operation but surely there are equivalents out there in the trade / LR specialists who can do this effectively and economically or am I just being too optimistic? I wasn't in a position to 'call in the cavalry' with my situation due to circumstances being awkward in doing so mostly down to access to the car but I've always regarded this as a fall back for a very reasonable fee. I was quoted £40 and was told he never fails!!
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there's a guy on here called rick-the-pick, he owns a company called callrova in brighton he knows p38's inside out..

keep him in your phone book too
Hi sainty . thanxs for your imput , on a rare occasion I have not been successful in the re-sync of clyde 2.5 diesel ... it tends to be always the few i.e. roughly 10 out over over 250 that wont re-sync manually !!!! perhaps its because all 10 were diesels and as I have previously admit I struggle to understand the reason why ?? its strange that its only diesels that ive dealt with wich have lost all sync between B.E.C.M. and main ENGINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM on bulkhead in engine compartment wont re sync ????????????with my programme .YET plug sync kicker in or diagnostics kit and it re-syncs automatically .. I have discussed this in depth with more knowledgeable people than me to no avail ??? maybe after 3/4 years of doing this its time to pack it in ???????????? ok mate cheers anyway and kind regards MOZZ p.s. hope your both doing well with your new addition and congrats to you all , :):):)
Hi sainty . thanxs for your imput , on a rare occasion I have not been successful in the re-sync of clyde 2.5 diesel ... it tends to be always the few i.e. roughly 10 out over over 250 that wont re-sync manually !!!! perhaps its because all 10 were diesels and as I have previously admit I struggle to understand the reason why ?? its strange that its only diesels that ive dealt with wich have lost all sync between B.E.C.M. and main ENGINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM on bulkhead in engine compartment wont re sync ????????????with my programme .YET plug sync kicker in or diagnostics kit and it re-syncs automatically .. I have discussed this in depth with more knowledgeable people than me to no avail ??? maybe after 3/4 years of doing this its time to pack it in ???????????? ok mate cheers anyway and kind regards MOZZ p.s. hope your both doing well with your new addition and congrats to you all , :):):)

noooooo you're not allowed to pack it in....too many people need you Mozz....

all three of us are doing grand cheers, Summer is adorable and my partner Anna is being a great mum....
I can highly recommend the Nanocom. I'd have been dead in the water without mine and it isn't locked to a vehicle VIN like some other pieces of kit. Is the Faultmate locked to a VIN? Could you share a Nanocom with someone in your area? The other great thing about the Nanocom is that it has its own screen so doesn't need a laptop.

I think Bearmach do a similar tool but needs a laptop?

Think the BBS kicker is about 40 quid.

Mozz. The diesel code never changes. When it synchs it reprograms the BECM to the EMS code. The petrol has rolling codes on both. I've got a feeling the petrol reprograms the EMS rather than the BECM and maybe that's why it is easier? Never tested that theory though. Need a GEMS out of synch to test!
Cheers all for your help, I am going to keep the range rover, so I'm taking the plunge and buying a nanocom. I have emailed BBS to ensure I buy the right one, as they are expensive and I can't afford a mistake. As and when I can get the old girl going again, I'll get the bonnet sprayed and give her a good clean. May even buy a new interior, as it's looking a bit tired. Possibility for future venture, I'll register on LZIR to offer help in Cornwall, as there doesn't seem to be any help down here for us cornish people. Cheers all again, much appreciated :) :) :) :)
Update. I have the nanocom, plugged it in, and it doesn't seem to be a simple fix. I had unable to connect to the ECU!!!! Flash up. Tried a few things like taking the seat out and cleaning all the connections on the Bcem all seems ok. Plugged the nanocom in again, went through the same process and now I seem to have a engine immobiliser link fault!! All windows open and shut etc, the doors have gone into super lock mode apart from drivers door. Any help please, thanks in advance cheers clyde
Did you have the ignition on? The ignition has to be on to read the engine management system. If a diesel you need to go into the engine module, make a note of the EMS number and then go into the BECM module and put it in there. There a post in the How To section with detailed instructions.

The ODB port often gets corroded. A squirt of electrical cleaner might help. Failing that check the connections on the back. Also, there a fuse somewhere but cannot remember which one. 33, maybe? Someone on here will know.
Yes had ignition on. I have tried the EMS to BECM and it didn't make any difference. Still no go . The remote flashes when pressed but dose nothing to the car and the EAK makes the side light flash on the dash but no sounds or flash of lights. I am going to have another look at the door lock, any other ideas, I am near to the end of my rag with this!!! One more thing, the nanocom is asking is it an early EDC or a late one, mines a 1998 model!
Also a quick question, when the nanocom asked for the code which we put in in the EMS below it it asked for the fob code, but it's empty, do you think this is the problem, do I need to get the fob code????
Also a quick question, when the nanocom asked for the code which we put in in the EMS below it it asked for the fob code, but it's empty, do you think this is the problem, do I need to get the fob code????

Fob request code can be obtained from BBS
Fob request code can be obtained from BBS

Nonsense, fob code and EKA code are displayed on an unlocked BECM but not on a locked one. OPs BECM is locked. How can BBS know an individual vehicles fob code. BECM can be unlocked and the EKA and fob code read, but only by a special program and with Faultmate MSV2 or maybe Testbook T4. Can't be done with Nanocom.
Also a quick question, when the nanocom asked for the code which we put in in the EMS below it it asked for the fob code, but it's empty, do you think this is the problem, do I need to get the fob code????

Fob code has nothing to do with EMS security code. That is stored in Engine ECU and must be copied and written into BECM. There will be NO messages on the display if EMS security code and BECM are out of sync. If the battery has been flat the BECM may have glitched and scrambled or substituted a different code. That must be deleted and the code from the Engine ECU written in it's place. Only then will the hand shake take place when ignition is turned on. Early EDC is pre EGR. My Nonocom has never asked this question.
Nonsense, fob code and EKA code are displayed on an unlocked BECM but not on a locked one. OPs BECM is locked. How can BBS know an individual vehicles fob code. BECM can be unlocked and the EKA and fob code read, but only by a special program and with Faultmate MSV2 or maybe Testbook T4. Can't be done with Nanocom.
Test book cannot, as far as I know, unlock a locked BECM, it's only possible with Faultmate and requires soldering wires for direct access to the CPU.
I have taken the code out of the ECU and put it in BECM, I have take the drivers side locking mechanism and tried to put the EKA code in still nothing. I am loosing the will to live. Is there any other way of putting the EKA code in?
I have taken the code out of the ECU and put it in BECM, I have take the drivers side locking mechanism and tried to put the EKA code in still nothing. I am loosing the will to live. Is there any other way of putting the EKA code in?
Can you not enter the EKA code from the Nanocom?

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