
Hi, I've been a member for sometime, find the forum very helpful, I have a range rover 2.5dt 1998, looking for some help with a lockout problem. I have owned it for 2 yrs, she has been a good car up until today. Trying my patience now.

First thing this morning I tried to unlock my range rover as per normal on my way to work, and the key fob wouldn't work. I changed the battery and I finally got the key fob to work. Went to try to unlock the car and nothing happened. Unlocked the car using the key in the door, put the key in ignition turned on and it said engine disabled. I have tried the emergency key access and no luck. Key lock out on dash so left the car and took the bike to work. After work tried again, still no go. Have found now when the door is opened the indicators flash constant but no alarm sound. Cleaned all connections under drivers foot well and in drivers door, but not micro switches! Several times I have tried eka and nothing. Any advice please!
Have you got a Nanocom? If so, disable the alarm, check the EMS code is the same in the engine and the BECM and finally try putting the EKA code in with that.

I'll be going past St. Sustell at the end of July but I'm guessing you want your car working before that?!
Update another try at eka again, dash indicator for side lights does flash every time I put the code in, so it's taking the code, but again it's not doing anything!!
Think you need a Nanocom or similar on it. There may be someone local.
You could always try LZIR!

13 posts since 2009, think we'll keep lzir as last resort, there are numerous threads about EKA not working due to microswitches or broken door wires.

if the fob won't plip and remove engine disabled message, maybe Moss Smiths trick of disconnected battery door open and key in ign 2 on reconnection may work
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2 pages on the map? Tried disconnecting battery, didn't work, no need to use forum if car is working well, sorry if I have offended users
Well this is all still a fresh memory in my mind as I've spent the past six months off and on chasing around in circles with this issue on mine! I don't profess to have a microcosm of the knowledge or experience demonstrated here by other forum contributors but the recent slog I have endured upon new P38 ownership has certainly rounded off a few corners along the way and no doubt added a few more grey whiskers to my chin BUT praise be, thankfully I got the $πå†ß¥ thing to work reliably in the end...

I have found that mine is very particular about how things need to be before it accepts the EKA too!! By this it needs to see every door, the hatch and the bonnet closed and fully locked first, a nice fully charged full battery and the driver's door handle needs to be fully closed flush with the door (mine can be allowed to stick 4-5mm out if it's not pressed home fully). I suppose also having it facing Solihull may humour it a bit too.

It would be highly likely that this has all been triggered after renewing the plip battery and your taking longer than a recommended time (a minute I believe). I have no idea how this should be so time critical and can only speculate that this is due to it retaining a memory of what is required from the last scrambled code it used whilst randomising the lock codes between the plip and the car which are now out of sync with one another and you now need to resync the key first. To do this turn the key to the lock position in the driver's door lock whilst depressing the plip lock button for 15 seconds or more then repeat with the unlock position and button pairing for the same duration. You then follow this by the EKA procedure.

Another thing too is the ignition key needs turning within 15 seconds of inputting the EKA and the door opened or it will lapse. There are x3 strikes for every attempted EKA but after x2, if you open and then close the driver's door this will clear and allow another x2 attempts which won't require the long winded 30 minutes cooling off of the key lock out.

In the end, the one main thing I was doing wrong with mine was assuming because there was no sign of a starter triggering the engine after trying an input of the EKA was to keep carrying on even where it didn't say the engine was disabled or key lock out until of course I tripped it into saying these. Ultimately it turned out that because a triggered starter is the actual confirmation of a correct EKA input that it was actually this that ended up being the culprit!! Yep, a sticking starter! If you switch the lights on and try the starter if they dim the starter is under load and drawing all the juice available from the battery. Try giving the fulcrum pivot point between the main starter body and the parallel solenoid a precise clout with a small ball-pein hammer!!

BTW, if this is something you don't usually have issues with, is it 100% absolutely certain that you're using the correct EKA and following the procedure as per the official handbook? I'm not suggesting you're not compos-mentis, just that you could be working on duff information from an incorrect reference point - my car's previous owner was mixed up with his 4 digits - they were the right numbers just in the wrong order! The local LR agent will still have this information on their database and by proving you're the genuine keeper confirming keeper and vehicle data this is available freely (in my local dealer's case anyhow!).

I completely expect my still green knowledge to be straightened out by those that have forgotten more about all this than I will probably ever know, but hey, every contribution stirrs the conversation which helps move things further along towards a resolution
I've got a feeling the key synching procedure changed at some point. Mine's a 1995 DT. I did mine when I got a new key. I think I locked everything up, unlocked the car with the key and then put the key straight in the ignition, turned it until the dash lights came on and then pressed the lock and then the unlock button. Memory is a bit vague. It was in the hand-book.
13 posts since 2009, think we'll keep lzir as last resort, there are numerous threads about EKA not working due to microswitches or broken door wires.

if the fob won't plip and remove engine disabled message, maybe Moss Smiths trick of disconnected battery door open and key in ign 2 on reconnection may work

hi fanatic , please explain trick ?????????? and my name is spelt mozz not moss thankyou
Thank you Mozz for your help, your a star and I am grateful too you, but Unfortunatly for me still no go. I believe it has locked me out completely. I am considering buying a diagnostic tool after reading previous comments. I am keeping the range rover so it would be a good investment. Asking you chaps for more advice which is the best kit to buy, which will help me with future lockouts and fault clearing. Thanks again Mozz and other members for you help :)

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