Not the first time this sort of thing has been spotted. We regularly see sellers posted up with newish panels, doors etc for sale.

"If we ain't got the colour you want in stock, give us a week and we'll have it."

The problem is that lots of owners will buy from people like this, either not knowing any different or overlooking any dodgy origins to get newer parts cheaply, thus fuelling the rise in thefts.
It is pointless reporting these glaring unfair practices to ebay as they are just not interested. On this one there is nothing more blatant than putting a phone number in the picture gallery in an attempt to circumvent the rules.
The problem is that lots of owners will buy from people like this, either not knowing any different or overlooking any dodgy origins to get newer parts cheaply, thus fuelling the rise in thefts.
Can anyone source me a puma bonnet for £20, care not of provenance :D
there is a lot of legit reasons why new panels are for sale,but obviously a lot of stolen trucks end up on ebay
Just seen on Landywatch about another late model Defender which has had all of its doors stolen overnight in Nottingham... :mad:
You can report eBay listings that have contact info in them and eBay are pretty good about taking them down. They want their cut after all!

I do it occasionally when window shopping and come across something blatantly dodgy. Doesn’t stop the shysters, but does make their job harder.

I think it’s under “Listing practices - Avoiding eBay fees - Contact info in listing”.
Let's be fair to Fumble Brain the Car Thief, times are tough in light of Brexit and Covid. Fumble needs to ensure the materials all abide by EU regulations and British transportation regulations. While with covid people are going to feel nervous buying said knock offs incase the products need full factory cleaning. Likewise delivery within UK is delayed because of covid. Let's send Fumble Brain a virtual clapping at 8pm on Funday:):rolleyes:
If it cheap Think
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This post has reminded me of two nearly new military doors I was going to buy from some fellow on FB selling in North Oxfordshire last year. I was a bit wary as he was breaking a Landy that looked too good to break. I agreed to buy...then looked further on his FB page, he had a mass of Land Rover parts for sale. Whilst he may have been a legitimate vendor I pulled out of the purchase. He's still selling a mass of varied parts...
Surely it should be possible to verify parts sellers such as that one, to see if they are dodgy or not.

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