well i have a very small update , now have a winch bumper coming on saturday thanks to pauldaf44 :)
bumper has been removed from his old discovery and will be reused on my defender with a few modifications , also has the correct brackets for my current chassis :)
i dont think the numberplate on show will matter as i think paul mentioned he broke up this disco
Nice! Good to see your project progressing! :)
Sensible to think about the plates, although mine are in various places on the forum, it is only same as if someone sees it in the street really! ;)
And as you say, makes no difference at all on a vehicle that is being scrapped.
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so had my bumper delivered today thanks to pauldaf44 , also thanks for taking us to the vintage show , looks like i have a fair few mods to make to the bumper as so far it sits at least a foot and a half infront of the wings , i know i need to shift my body forward slightly so that will take up some of the distance but will also remove all the brackets and fit new ones with extra bolt holes , after this is done the winch plate will sit against the crossmember which means i need to cut my grill but that dosent bother me as id rather have the good approach angles and have the bumper closer to the stronger bits of chassis

anyway pics to come soon !
so had my bumper delivered today thanks to pauldaf44 , also thanks for taking us to the vintage show , looks like i have a fair few mods to make to the bumper as so far it sits at least a foot and a half infront of the wings , i know i need to shift my body forward slightly so that will take up some of the distance but will also remove all the brackets and fit new ones with extra bolt holes , after this is done the winch plate will sit against the crossmember which means i need to cut my grill but that dosent bother me as id rather have the good approach angles and have the bumper closer to the stronger bits of chassis

anyway pics to come soon !
Sounds good, looking forward to the pics! :)
Pics of the vintage show always welcome too! :) Here are some of mine
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some good pics there turboman ! unfortunatly i dont have any pics as my camera is broke and my phone is a basic nokia , my friend has untill now been taking the landy pics on an iphone , hopefully i should find another method of taking pictures soon

anyways been up there for a few hours today , spent a lot of time clearing up as the mess was starting to get to me !
i have rewired some of the dash and clocks wiring which has been eaten by rats , run the chassis loom , rewired the front lights and connected most of the engine wiring up

have also decided to make my own rear crossmember as there isent a direct fit crossmember available and i fancy less of a rust trap so will be using box section steel although hopefully will look the same as a standard one from the outside , to do this i have cut the bottom and sides of the chassis and bent them up into a position that can take a crossmemer as before they were at least a foot away from the body edge , ill be strenthing and adjusting this area later

also modified part of my winch bumper today as it was originally a foot and a half in front of the wings which looked plain silly and would be useless offroad , after removing some sections it now fits with about an inch in front of the wings but i have plans to alter the side bars and fit a built in guard too so will be chopping and welding a lot more when my welder is fixed/i get a new one

as money is non-existent at the moment i havent managed to find timing covers or get a belt to fire the engine , i have put the top end back together though so the rockers and new rods are back in place
Easy to photograph that stuff, it is the exhibitors that deserve the credit for getting it there in the first place! :) Maybe yu will get a camera for next year!

Crossmembers are available, but if you want to make one, it shouldn't be difficult to improve on standard. Pressbrake certainly manages it!

Take your time and enjoy it, no hurry, you are young, the longer you take, the cheaper your insurance will get.;) :D
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so things went a little tits up today , connected up a battery to continue wiring indicators up , switched ignition on and plugged in a new flasher unit which promptly made the engine spin over ! had this before and i cant rember why it happend on my old one ?

the result being the engine had no oil or timing belt on it so i have 2 bent pushrods again

not amused
Thats a ****ter. Nothing fun about having to do a job twice thanks to something going wrong.
so things went a little tits up today , connected up a battery to continue wiring indicators up , switched ignition on and plugged in a new flasher unit which promptly made the engine spin over ! had this before and i cant rember why it happend on my old one ?

the result being the engine had no oil or timing belt on it so i have 2 bent pushrods again

not amused
Might be worth disconnecting the lead from the starter motor before doing that again. Save on pushrods! :)
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it dosent matter now as i have swapped this defender engine , will be fitting a 300tdi as i have a good deal on a 300tdi engine and a separate discovery with no engine but has a gearbox which is going to be the basis of my trials vehicle , should be arriving next week with a bit of luck !
as funds are at an all time low im going to build my trialer while i wait for more cash to turn up as i now have most parts for one , in the mean time im going to continue the chassis mods on this such as crossmember and outriggers

also need to find a 2nd 300tdi engine as i have 2 vehicles and one engine currently !
sadly now this landy is destined to be broken due to problems with the paperwork from the previous owner ! destroys me to do this but now she is up for parts
on another more cheerful note it will put funds in the bank for a new one and i may keep some parts to galvanise ready for the next one !
Terrible news, after all your hard work. Hope you make plenty on the parts to fund the next one.
Don't worry about the V5. I've applied for v5s for trackbikes in the past it is dead straight forward. You need no paperwork or anything from previous owners

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