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After over a year of persuading the wife she's finally sold on the idea of touring Morocco for 2 weeks... helped by the purchase of the D3 (though sadly no A/C)

After about 5 minutes of "persuasion" i also sold Mark L on the idea!

Looking at going with a tour company for this trip, hopefully after that we can self organise more trips

I'm rather excited about the whole idea really :D
I would 'prefer' not to have air con. To be honest I think you are better leaving it turned off from the moment you leave the UK, as it will allow you to acclimatise on the way there. Nothing worse than getting out of an air con 4x4 and having to set up tents etc in the sweltering heat.

Also, it is difficult to soak up the true experience of the place and it's people if you are tucked up in an air con 4x4. Most of the kids will want to wave and say hello...soak up the experience.
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Bastids I'm planning the same but probably 2014. I thought Sept was a bit warm and OCt/Nov were the best months.
The first two weeks in Sept will be very hot in the desert. But I like visiting the the Desert the last week of Sept. It's all part of the experience being there when it's hot, but by then it is bareable. But as you say most folks go oct/nov
are you going like a fly drive thing , using the tour companies car ?

Nah, we're ferrying from probably Plymouth to Spain, then driving down through Spain.

Muddyfox - thanks for your comments about A/C - hadn't looked at it that way before... I'll put that to the missus :D

It would be the end of Sept or October we're going, depending which company we book with.

Just need to start buying lots of toys now! - Roof tent if we can afford one (their expensive though :( ) and probably a Fridge are the two essentials i'll be looking at first
Dont' discount an Oztent RV3. They are usually cheaper to pick up than a roof tent. They have a large awning you can sit under to get out of the sun. And - It's easier to go for a piiss in the night too :D

Have a look on you tube...they are a great tent.
I drove down to Marbella towing my cara'shed :rolleyes: for Christmas 2011 , fuel costs were not as bad as you will pay going on a ferry from the south coast , no matter which port you go from , i doubt if you have much change out of £600. I left Dover on a sunday morning and was in Marbella by 12:30 midday tuesday and only i could drive , I left with a full tank (as local stations tend to be shut on a sunday but no lorries allowed on the road either :) ) and i only filled up 3 times on the way down and i drive a TD5 my caravan is 7mtrs long ,
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I drove down to Marbella towing my cara'shed :rolleyes: for Christmas 2011 , fuel costs were not as bad as you will pay going on a ferry from the south coast , no matter which port you go from , i doubt if you have much change out of £600. I left Dover on a sunday morning and was in Marbella by 12:30 midday tuesday and only i could drive , I left with a full tank (as local stations tend to be shut on a sunday but no lorries allowed on the road either :) ) and i only filled up 3 times on the way down and i drive a TD5 my caravan is 7mtrs long ,

Obviously you would also need to factor in toll charges and accommodation / camping costs if you are not crashing out in the motor or caravan.
I did some costings on the ferry vs. drive and the ferry worked out £100 more (return). We took the ferry in the end as I wanted to be fresh back into work the following day having not steamed back to the UK from the south of Morocco!

HOWEVER I found the ferry extremely boring and we spent a ton on the damn thing buying drink, food etc etc. Also bear in mind the ferry cost £600 in October 2008 and I hear it has gone up since.

Also echo AC sentiments above, you are better off without. Wind down the windows, acclimatise and enjoy. We had an AC cooled 100 series LC in West Africa and there was something wrong with it, when we ran the AC the engine would overheat so we had to turn it off. Not fun when its 50c outside and your bumping along dirt roads in the national parks being eaten by flies! Never have I sweat so much into a seat before. Anyway, Morocco wont be that hot so windows down and vents open... ow no wait, your not in a Deefer ;)

We want to be off the ground for sleeping, so, roof tent would be optimum. We've got a few ground tents we could use otherwise.

Ferry was £200 each/ so £400 - compared to fuel, it's not much more really, especially with tolls, camping and most importantly an extra day off work.
oh crickey ! , if it is only 400 for you and the motor get on the boat where you going to santader or bilbao ?, be along day's driving even for 2 down through Spain, will you be getting on the ferry from Algeciras to Tangier ? , if you have the chance drop into Gibraltar, leave the car on the Spanish side of the boarder and walk across the airport . I'm a cheeky bugger asking what your doing but i would love to do it but with a converted TK or TM , can't leave the kid's ;) kennels won't take em
Have ya got the morroco overland book yet. I Downloaded the KIndle Version. Makes a good read.
Had a word with boss man at work, so know I'm good for the time off regardless of what date is set. :D
Had a word with boss man at work, so know I'm good for the time off regardless of what date is set. :D

Excellent :D Best get booking soon then :)

Hope it all goes well. Keep us updated on the D3 preparations.

It's going to be very modest preparation work on the D3 - maybe a roof tent, all terrain tyres, just the basics... Mark has a winch if we really get into trouble :)

Have ya got the morroco overland book yet. I Downloaded the KIndle Version. Makes a good read.

Yes I have cheers, a nice chap off here sent it to me in return for a donation to his charity page. It looks brand new too. Nice when the Landy Zone for sale / wanted section actually works!
You'll have to do a step by step guide contacts costs routes etc when ya get back So start taking notes.
oh crickey ! , if it is only 400 for you and the motor get on the boat where you going to santader or bilbao ?, be along day's driving even for 2 down through Spain, will you be getting on the ferry from Algeciras to Tangier ? , if you have the chance drop into Gibraltar, leave the car on the Spanish side of the boarder and walk across the airport . I'm a cheeky bugger asking what your doing but i would love to do it but with a converted TK or TM , can't leave the kid's ;) kennels won't take em

Ferry's sail to both Santader and Bilbao - depends on what time you want to leave really! Cost is the same for both, we haven't booked yet so can't tell you specifics!!!

I doubt the missus will be insured on the D3, and even if she is i'm an absolutely terrible passenger so I probably wouldn't let her drive anyway! But, yes, it's 1000km drive, so, not short.

I'm not sure if we'll have time for Gibraltar or not yet, I think we may be short on holiday from work and will be keen to spend what time we have in Morocco. But we'll see!

How old are the kids? Sure they'd love the trip too ;) Otherwise... drive down through France and drop them off at Disney World on route :cool:
You'll have to do a step by step guide contacts costs routes etc when ya get back So start taking notes.

Shall do, we normally write a diary for major holidays or annotate the hell out of our Lonely Planet guides :D

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