£400! Bloody hell ,that is cheap. At the time, £600 was the cheapest price ALL YEAR.

Get the ferry.

Redhand. Its £2000 for 4 weeks all in. Campsites in everytown (if needed). Take a map, plot your route and go. You can get anything you want, anywhere. No need for notes ;)

my oldest will be going to Harrogate military college in sept, my boy's will be 12 and 8 , i was looking at other's who have done the Morocco thing , might give you some idea's , if you go from Algeciras you are maybe 1 hrs drive from Gib , so it's not far , but you WON'T be insured for some strange reason if you take the car in !, just leave it on the waste ground to the left of the border crossing or park it on the front (pay & display)

If/when you go, some time's it is just as easy to stay off the toll roads but just as quick
to get to your destination , I found the French toll roads good for services but the Spanish one's not so , If you can AVOID Madrid or atleast go through in the early hour's , when we went through on a monday night at 11 it might as well of been rush hour !.
400 notes. You sure that includes your cabin or reclining seat?

no, but a reserved seat is only £10 and last time I used a ferry i just didn't bother and took my sleeping bag on board and found a quiet corner somewhere to sleep.

HOWEVER... i did forget that the Disco is over 1.84m so you have to pay a lot more, which makes it nearer £500 :(
my oldest will be going to Harrogate military college in sept, my boy's will be 12 and 8 , i was looking at other's who have done the Morocco thing , might give you some idea's , if you go from Algeciras you are maybe 1 hrs drive from Gib , so it's not far , but you WON'T be insured for some strange reason if you take the car in !, just leave it on the waste ground to the left of the border crossing or park it on the front (pay & display)

If/when you go, some time's it is just as easy to stay off the toll roads but just as quick
to get to your destination , I found the French toll roads good for services but the Spanish one's not so , If you can AVOID Madrid or at least go through in the early hour's , when we went through on a Monday night at 11 it might as well of been rush hour !.

12 and 8... sure they'd love Morocco then!

Thanks for the advise, useful stuff there :)
£400! Bloody hell ,that is cheap. At the time, £600 was the cheapest price ALL YEAR.

Get the ferry.

Redhand. Its £2000 for 4 weeks all in. Campsites in everytown (if needed). Take a map, plot your route and go. You can get anything you want, anywhere. No need for notes ;)


That's the Plan but going self catering self sufficiant Hopefully can meet up with someone doing the same or talk someone into going with us.
Anybody who can mend a Land Rover wanting to do overland trips on the cheap scan the web for sites like Royal Geographical Society and look up vacancies.
I got a job with A Leicester university natural history Proff and drove from Derby and met him in Marrakesh then did High Atlas into Algeria down the Sahara too Hoggar mountains and into Tamanrasset.
I made a good wedge mending Land Rovers on Tamanrasset camp site and had loads of offers to join other trips going in all directions, including one from a TV company running a trip to South Africa in 6 UMM's crewed by girlguides !!! apparently the UMM's were breaking down almost everyday with such things as engines falling out.
The Proff was very interesting and had a great depth of knowledge on the area, met loads of interesting people plus got paid:)
Anybody who can mend a Land Rover wanting to do overland trips on the cheap scan the web for sites like Royal Geographical Society and look up vacancies.
I got a job with A Leicester university natural history Proff and drove from Derby and met him in Marrakesh then did High Atlas into Algeria down the Sahara too Hoggar mountains and into Tamanrasset.
I made a good wedge mending Land Rovers on Tamanrasset camp site and had loads of offers to join other trips going in all directions, including one from a TV company running a trip to South Africa in 6 UMM's crewed by girlguides !!! apparently the UMM's were breaking down almost everyday with such things as engines falling out.
The Proff was very interesting and had a great depth of knowledge on the area, met loads of interesting people plus got paid:)

WOW... you could just spend a few years touring round Africa fixing Landy's and helping out on film sets / explorers, etc. sounds epic!

Sadly, i have 2 seats and there are 2 of us... so... not much use for me, but, I'm still tempted to have a look, then see what the current exchange rate is for wife's in Africa... sure it used to be about 10 camels.
Fancy another one coming along? The boss is up for an expedition to morroco as our honeymoon... And that sort of time is when we are looking to go!
Really??? That's who I want to book with :)

The one that comes back through Marrakech and up the coast??

LZ road trip indeed :)

No the one I am doing is the Atlantic Sahara which goes around Marrakech along the 2004 Dakar route then back along the coast :(

Trailmasters look good though, they seem very knowledgable on the phone, I might go down to one of the weekends in Wales too just to meet them before hand and get a few tips. I don't think you need anything done to the vehicle besides a snorkle but I will probably end up spending a fortune on mods for it anyway :p

The plan is Russia next year :D
No the one I am doing is the Atlantic Sahara which goes around Marrakech along the 2004 Dakar route then back along the coast :(

Trailmasters look good though, they seem very knowledgable on the phone, I might go down to one of the weekends in Wales too just to meet them before hand and get a few tips. I don't think you need anything done to the vehicle besides a snorkle but I will probably end up spending a fortune on mods for it anyway :p

The plan is Russia next year :D

Ah, think yours is the trip after the one i'm looking at then.

Had some friends go with them about 5 years ago and had an amazing time, so, they've got a good enough reputation!

Russia??? take lots of cash for bribes!!! - the in-laws got stuck there cus their visas expired before they left (the russian people in the uk got it wrong and they didn't check) and they got stuck there fore days and to pay loads to leave... the wife escaped though, she'd got hers done properly :)
Obviously you would also need to factor in toll charges and accommodation / camping costs if you are not crashing out in the motor or caravan.
No need toll charges.

Toll free route to the Costa Brava

I would prefer the drive down through central France, A75, Millau all the way.

Its 1500 miles to drive to Algeciras, most of the time.
24 mpg or better.
£300 fuel each way.

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The plan is Russia next year :D
If your heading for Russia, then one should surly head into Mongolia.:p:p:p

Identify the truck ?





If you have time, have a read here. Russia and Mongolia with lots of pictures
Photos courtesy from UKGSer

Caution, it is quite addictive, and you may lose a few days.

UK ----> Russia ----> Mongolia for a month ----> return to UK

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Never considered Mongolia, it looks fantastic I think I might have to go for it :D

And bribe money for Russia - noted! :p
Russia and Mongolia are on my "must do" list.
Did you read the thread, some of the photos are amazing.

If you have time, have a read here. Russia and Mongolia with lots of pictures

the people are warm and inviting.
If you haven't then just take a bit of time to read a few pages.

The thing about Russia is to always stay 10mph below the given speed limit, especially when approaching towns and cities.
This is imperative.
Or you will need bribe money for the so called "Speeding"
You know you weren't speeding, they know you werent speeding, but you were probably bang on teh limit.

OK,,,,,so staying 10 mph below the posted speed limit, is a ball ache.
However, consider this,,,,, doing 10 mph below the posted limit, means you drive for say 1 more hour in each day, and you mpg is improved.
If you get pulled by the politsi, and need to pay a bribe, you have immediatelly put yourself back an hour, while negociations take place, you are $50USD poorer.
Sack that, I will just crawl through Russia, I have no desire to line their corrupt pockets.

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Obviously you would also need to factor in toll charges and accommodation / camping costs if you are not crashing out in the motor or caravan.

Or just drive from UK to the south of spain without stopping. Or sleep in car. Accommodation costs = zero :D
No the one I am doing is the Atlantic Sahara which goes around Marrakech along the 2004 Dakar route then back along the coast :(

Trailmasters look good though, they seem very knowledgable on the phone, I might go down to one of the weekends in Wales too just to meet them before hand and get a few tips. I don't think you need anything done to the vehicle besides a snorkle but I will probably end up spending a fortune on mods for it anyway :p

The plan is Russia next year :D

Ok, the trip we were going to do is full, so, might be on the Atlantic Sahara trip! Ringing up to speak to them tomorrow and book hopefully :)

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