I know you chaps aint stupid but just remember that there is the tourist trap thing in spain going on at the moment.

Broken down car etc, your waved down, they steal your motor etc. :(

Have a good one. :)

I just got back from Spain. Young women waving us down - in the rear seat was 3 lads!!! do they really think we're stupid??? Flat out straight past them :)
Trip down through Spain was fine, though, there was 3 of us together, on the way back I think Mark and Tim are following the rest, Nicole and I are visiting friends so will be on our own - guess we're more likely to see more dodgy stuff then.
We have been going to and through Spain every year for the last 10 and never had any bother :)
I'll take the same approach as we do with the million kids who come running up to you as you drive along in Morocco and try and flag you down... Smile and Wave (and keep driving) :D

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