That fee is high. He must have done somefink wrong and got charged more. If he ain't paid he's got 6 years to follow it up. He'll have to go back to court to enforce it. Simple to do. Well it is down ere. Dun't know much about haggis muncher law. May be different up there.
If a civil court ruling and he won and was awarded payment and costs he could send in the bailiffs that would be traumatic for them
haha :D:D

Being a bully is different from... being taken for a mug & getting ripped off, then having to extend your mortgage cause your friend & business partner stole your wages after a 6 month job that was meant to pay the balance off.
The hassle & arguments that man caused, Lucky ive got a lovely lady to keep me on the right track cause I deffo wouldnt like
to say.
It was more of how people think they can wrong others soon get a shock when someone will call them on their behaviour.

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