Them saddles get mighty hot 😉
Not on a recumbent trike they don't. :)
It's like sitting in your Lay-zee-boy recliner.
End of the world here my beer and wine chiller has stopped working I think it needs re-gassing motor still running eny clues going to get dehydration 😢
We just keep a couple of bottles of beer in the fridge and maybe one of rosé and one of white.
The rest stays in the coolest room of the house, an unused bedroom on the north east corner.
Or do you really mean your fridge has stopped working?:eek:
Doing finishing bits to the kitchen today, post man came round gave me a broon effalop from HMRC
The nice peeps have gave me £509 squids back. 🤣🤣

Plus wing nut came round after I chinned him a few weeks back & gave me 3 grand back that he stole.
So that's any bits for the noo kitchen, that you didn't get free, paid for!
🤣 🤣 🤣
Amazed there was still anything going with wing-nut. Still, glad you got what you wanted back.;)
We just keep a couple of bottles of beer in the fridge and maybe one of rosé and one of white.
The rest stays in the coolest room of the house, an unused bedroom on the north east corner.
Or do you really mean your fridge has stopped working?:eek:
No not the fridge is ok just the chiller it holds about 60 cans and about 10 wine bottles 😢
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No not the fridge is ok just the chiller it holds about 60 cans and about 10 wine battles 😢
Just shows how you can get used to something.
Are there different temperature zones in it?
We sometimes have to cool red wine here when it gets really hot, and we cool white and rosé as and when we need to for dinner etc.
At the beginning of this year I was having to warm the red wine up a tad in the microwave. Sounds sacreligious but it is OK, no one normally would be mad enough to over do it. Poured into a jug or carafe, 10 secs on full power brings it up by one degree, usually, if memory serves. does help to have a wine thermometer.
If we forget to cool the wine we stick it in the freezer, that works well provided you don't leave it in too long. But you have to watch doing that with beer, bottles can explode! (Happened to me twice in the hotel I worked in and just underneath was the house made ice cream in open bowls, boy did I get into trouble!)
We never had a wine cooler there, Just used ice buckets, that worked fine, on wine at cellar temperature.
I was taught to always invert a bottle of white or rosé before serving it, as the wine in the bott above the waterline in the ice bucket doesn't get cool, or not as cool, as heat rises, etc, obvs really, customers don't like their first glass being warm!
The second place I worked, as a proper wine waiter, all we had was an ice machine and that thing produced ice that was barely below freezing. Terrible thing, could never cool the wine properly.

This is all making me very thirsty as I wait for W to come in from watering the polytunnel so we can have apéros. :):):)
We have had huge thunderstorms and rain today.
So that's any bits for the noo kitchen, that you didn't get free, paid for!
🤣 🤣 🤣
Amazed there was still anything going with wing-nut. Still, glad you got what you wanted back.;)

Theres nowt going on, he's been hiding & changed his number doesnt use facebook ect
I seen him outside a pub with his mates all laughing njoying himself. There was temp traffic lights
& I was with the misses driving home. He looked right at us then turned away when he seen me. Stuff this im not having
any of this so I abandoned the motor at the green light 🤣🤣 Got hold of him told him pay the rest of what he owes his
mates went to back him up..I asked them if they liked hospital food through a straw (very politely of course) 🤣🤣
so they buggered off inside the pub. One lad came back with wingnuts phone & I got him to call mine.
He called the next day & arranged to get me some money. :):)

The misses thought I was going to knock him about but I aint that stupid.
Just shows how you can get used to something.
Are there different temperature zones in it?
We sometimes have to cool red wine here when it gets really hot, and we cool white and rosé as and when we need to for dinner etc.
At the beginning of this year I was having to warm the red wine up a tad in the microwave. Sounds sacreligious but it is OK, no one normally would be mad enough to over do it. Poured into a jug or carafe, 10 secs on full power brings it up by one degree, usually, if memory serves. does help to have a wine thermometer.
If we forget to cool the wine we stick it in the freezer, that works well provided you don't leave it in too long. But you have to watch doing that with beer, bottles can explode! (Happened to me twice in the hotel I worked in and just underneath was the house made ice cream in open bowls, boy did I get into trouble!)
We never had a wine cooler there, Just used ice buckets, that worked fine, on wine at cellar temperature.
I was taught to always invert a bottle of white or rosé before serving it, as the wine in the bott above the waterline in the ice bucket doesn't get cool, or not as cool, as heat rises, etc, obvs really, customers don't like their first glass being warm!
The second place I worked, as a proper wine waiter, all we had was an ice machine and that thing produced ice that was barely below freezing. Terrible thing, could never cool the wine properly.

This is all making me very thirsty as I wait for W to come in from watering the polytunnel so we can have apéros. :):):)
We have had huge thunderstorms and rain today.
The chiller is a good one or rather was has 10 settings and a part for red wine and internal light I will fix it when I get time makes life that bit easier 😮😮
Theres nowt going on, he's been hiding & changed his number doesnt use facebook ect
I seen him outside a pub with his mates all laughing njoying himself. There was temp traffic lights
& I was with the misses driving home. He looked right at us then turned away when he seen me. Stuff this im not having
any of this so I abandoned the motor at the green light 🤣🤣 Got hold of him told him pay the rest of what he owes his
mates went to back him up..I asked them if they liked hospital food through a straw (very politely of course) 🤣🤣
so they buggered off inside the pub. One lad came back with wingnuts phone & I got him to call mine.
He called the next day & arranged to get me some money. :):)

The misses thought I was going to knock him about but I aint that stupid.
Some Times its the only way 😠😠

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