Was lookering at the water butts on me water suppliers website. Tis oot soursed but they like to claim they is doing it. Price gone up from before the walrus. Was finking of gerrin 2 more but more interested in finding a drain pipe diverter filter fing. Yer limited to buying 1 butt so eye ordered it early finking eye may be able to gerra nuvver cheap at some point.
Unfortunately so.
My sister was getting bullied at school and saw her bully go passed us at the pub one night my earrings came off and I went after him 🤣🤣🤣

Left her well alone that was my weigh lifting and rugby days I was a bit ripped and had half a foot on him

I luv it when the bully gets a taste of there own medicine. :cool::cool: I got bullied at school but the worm always turns. ;)
Theres nowt going on, he's been hiding & changed his number doesnt use facebook ect
I seen him outside a pub with his mates all laughing njoying himself. There was temp traffic lights
& I was with the misses driving home. He looked right at us then turned away when he seen me. Stuff this im not having
any of this so I abandoned the motor at the green light 🤣🤣 Got hold of him told him pay the rest of what he owes his
mates went to back him up..I asked them if they liked hospital food through a straw (very politely of course) 🤣🤣
so they buggered off inside the pub. One lad came back with wingnuts phone & I got him to call mine.
He called the next day & arranged to get me some money. :):)

The misses thought I was going to knock him about but I aint that stupid.
By " anything going" I just meant surprised that you were having any dealings at all with him, not that you were working with him or anything! Anyway, sounds like he has got his comeuppance or "karma" as cool folks will call it!
i do hope that is the end of it and you got back all you were owed.
Things like this can nag away at you, as I know too.
Still sticks in my craw two peeps who got away with rent owed on a place we rented out and never paid up. As well as the damage they did to the place.
By " anything going" I just meant surprised that you were having any dealings at all with him, not that you were working with him or anything! Anyway, sounds like he has got his comeuppance or "karma" as cool folks will call it!
i do hope that is the end of it and you got back all you were owed.
Things like this can nag away at you, as I know too.
Still sticks in my craw two peeps who got away with rent owed on a place we rented out and never paid up. As well as the damage they did to the place.
In each case though it broke the two couples up. They tried to blame me for it. Huh!
Won the cases in the small claims court, but winning and getting the dosh is two different things. :rolleyes:
By " anything going" I just meant surprised that you were having any dealings at all with him, not that you were working with him or anything! Anyway, sounds like he has got his comeuppance or "karma" as cool folks will call it!
i do hope that is the end of it and you got back all you were owed.
Things like this can nag away at you, as I know too.
Still sticks in my craw two peeps who got away with rent owed on a place we rented out and never paid up. As well as the damage they did to the place.

I got everything I was owed so thats the end of it. Dirty gits doing that. The yard owner had the same thing but they stole
all the furnishings & white goods. :oops: Took them to court & won cost him 1800 sovs. He never got a penny out of them. :(
I got everything I was owed so thats the end of it. Dirty gits doing that. The yard owner had the same thing but they stole
all the furnishings & white goods. :oops: Took them to court & won cost him 1800 sovs. He never got a penny out of them. :(
Dunno why it cost your yard owner so much, the small claims track only costs about £100. Mebbe he employed a useless lawyer.
When W and I met she had a place and I had a half share in my place as tother half was ex wife's.
We got together, I got yet another mortgage at 100% and bought my ex out out. We rented her place out and lived in mine. Both couples we rented to were dodgy but at least we didn't lose much money over it, just a little bit and some inconvenience. But hilariously the last couple left a whole load of incriminating evidence in the wheelie bin, as if we would put it out for them!
So I was able to take them to court and win, and as at one point he had paid with a company cheque I was able to get around the false address they had given. The bloke was allegedly an accountant and was also the finance governor for a local school, which must have stopped once I told them about his defrauding the govt re his wife's alleged disability, and other stuff, forget the details now! But she was deep in the doo doos!
Then we moved into W's place and rented mine out. The first couple were OK until they suddenly moved out leaving the place full of stuff, like the Marie Celeste. They had decided to become pub landlords so went on a training scheme with a local brewery. House left like a tip and no rent paid for 2 months. the stupid judge then gave them another month even though they were long gone.
We had to clear the house and flog all their stuff off to try and recoup some of the losses. They too had left stuff in the wheelie bin!
Bankruptcy papers etc.
So I tried to make them bankrupt but the bankruptcy peeps wouldn't wear it as they hadn't turned up to the first bankruptcy court appearance!
So I got in touch with the company lawyers for the first company that was making them bankrupt. they said "thanks" but then never moved on them any further. So nor could I. So yes, the law IS an ass.
Then we rented out for years until a decent person moved out to get married and buy a place.
No probs until the last couple moved in. They were more or less OK until we asked them to go as we were selling up, (to pay for the French build). They left owing 2 months rent and they had beat the place up so much that it fetched about 25% less than it should have. I hadn't been round in a couple of months and they had removed built in furniture, "decorated" as if blind, etc.
Still, lessons learned! .
Oh how the turn tables 🤣

haha :D:D

Being a bully is different from... being taken for a mug & getting ripped off, then having to extend your mortgage cause your friend & business partner stole your wages after a 6 month job that was meant to pay the balance off.
The hassle & arguments that man caused, Lucky ive got a lovely lady to keep me on the right track cause I deffo wouldnt like
to say.
Dunno why it cost your yard owner so much, the small claims track only costs about £100. Mebbe he employed a useless lawyer.
When W and I met she had a place and I had a half share in my place as tother half was ex wife's.
We got together, I got yet another mortgage at 100% and bought my ex out out. We rented her place out and lived in mine. Both couples we rented to were dodgy but at least we didn't lose much money over it, just a little bit and some inconvenience. But hilariously the last couple left a whole load of incriminating evidence in the wheelie bin, as if we would put it out for them!
So I was able to take them to court and win, and as at one point he had paid with a company cheque I was able to get around the false address they had given. The bloke was allegedly an accountant and was also the finance governor for a local school, which must have stopped once I told them about his defrauding the govt re his wife's alleged disability, and other stuff, forget the details now! But she was deep in the doo doos!
Then we moved into W's place and rented mine out. The first couple were OK until they suddenly moved out leaving the place full of stuff, like the Marie Celeste. They had decided to become pub landlords so went on a training scheme with a local brewery. House left like a tip and no rent paid for 2 months. the stupid judge then gave them another month even though they were long gone.
We had to clear the house and flog all their stuff off to try and recoup some of the losses. They too had left stuff in the wheelie bin!
Bankruptcy papers etc.
So I tried to make them bankrupt but the bankruptcy peeps wouldn't wear it as they hadn't turned up to the first bankruptcy court appearance!
So I got in touch with the company lawyers for the first company that was making them bankrupt. they said "thanks" but then never moved on them any further. So nor could I. So yes, the law IS an ass.
Then we rented out for years until a decent person moved out to get married and buy a place.
No probs until the last couple moved in. They were more or less OK until we asked them to go as we were selling up, (to pay for the French build). They left owing 2 months rent and they had beat the place up so much that it fetched about 25% less than it should have. I hadn't been round in a couple of months and they had removed built in furniture, "decorated" as if blind, etc.
Still, lessons learned! .

Not so sure, he did say his fees were 1800 tho. Ive no idea how it all works.
haha :D:D

Being a bully is different from... being taken for a mug & getting ripped off, then having to extend your mortgage cause your friend & business partner stole your wages after a 6 month job that was meant to pay the balance off.
The hassle & arguments that man caused, Lucky ive got a lovely lady to keep me on the right track cause I deffo wouldnt like
to say.
I know a lot of what went on as you told us about it, but neva knew you had to extend your mortgage. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Yep your missus did well to keep you from ripping his head off and doing the unmentionable down the hole it left!! :(:(:(
Off out tomoz to a "vide grenier" literally an "emptying out of the loft". A bit of a car boot sale really but held around the streets of a town. They are actually good fun and you can pick up the odd bargain.
Hopefully the weather will be OK cos today has been miz with the thunder/lightning tripping the LCBs or whatever they are called and having to have the internet off. Frogs do it so much better than a Brit CBS held on a windy field!
I got everything I was owed so thats the end of it. Dirty gits doing that. The yard owner had the same thing but they stole
all the furnishings & white goods. :oops: Took them to court & won cost him 1800 sovs. He never got a penny out of them. :(
That fee is high. He must have done somefink wrong and got charged more. If he ain't paid he's got 6 years to follow it up. He'll have to go back to court to enforce it. Simple to do. Well it is down ere. Dun't know much about haggis muncher law. May be different up there.
I know a lot of what went on as you told us about it, but neva knew you had to extend your mortgage.
Yep your missus did well to keep you from ripping his head off and doing the unmentionable down the hole it left!! :(:(:(

Oh she done really well bless her, I was a walking time bomb & a nightmare to live with. :confused::confused:
Yup had to get the misses to extend the mortgage plus id paid the wages & materials for the job, sickens me to the core.

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