Matt Landy of Landyzone Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. Spoke with our local resident reporter Muriel Boggworth, of the increase in larger than normal litter being dropped by Landrover.
Matt age 60 3/4s living with his mum Brenda Saggtitts and cat called Dick. Noticed strange smell of fecal matter in the early hours of the morning. Thinking his distemper riddled cat Dick needs changing of his Tena pants. Opening his small bedroom window to dispose of the heavily heaving soiled Tena pants from Dick. He said he gazed upon the arrival of a Landrover, which made him wretch to his core so badly, he nearly fell out of the window. Turns out the new neighbour had recently purchased the latest EV Evoque. Unknown to the rest of the neighborhood watch scheme, a catalogue of similar reactions on seeing said vehicles have been recorded dotted around the country. In the meantime Matt Landy will monitor for increased EV Evoques and stench causing reactions for Landyzone.

As some of the regular Landyzoners aware, Kevin latest marriage to his blind date bride, Ping Ling from Bhutan village Fongtwang ended.
Apparently due to his uncontrollable bowl movements, Ping Ling couldn't take anymore of the flatulence from Kevin when they were making love.
Just to say that one lot of jam has been jarred, next lot due soon.
Sad doggy now refusing to either eat or drink. This could 'pparently be due to the meds she is on, but it is somewhat worrying.
It appears a dog can go 3 to 5 day without drinking but I don't think we are happy with that. She fought like mad when we tried to pour a littl water into her mouth.
Change of flavour by adding apple juice, ice cubes, no difference.
Yet she has the energy to fight and to walk around to wherever she choses to lie down. She is also perfectly "continent" if there is such a word.
Got my gas n leccy bill this week. Based on their estimated readings because I forgot to send the readings in, and I don't / won't have a smart meter. Checked my readings and their estimated readings were quite a bit higher. SO I sent the new readings in - and got a revised bill with a refund of 50 sovs. And as the unit prices drop next week, I would have paid for energy not used, at the old higher rate. Won't say who the supplier is, but they have eight legs. :rolleyes:
We hate wasting electric at this time of year, but we just cant use enough ;). Maybe I should wash the 4 plates and cups in the dishwasher just so its not wasted:).

Afternoon folks:).

Quick trip into town today to "postal vote" (don't vote cant complain) Bit of shopping while there in Lidl. Picked up a little pack of parkside chisel/punch set, looks the same as my Halford set but I cant find 1 of them ( of course the most used 1), bet it turns up tomorrow when I am not looking for it;).
So rather than slaving over a hot stove (making salad) when we got home we went to our local eatery on the way:).

New salt tester arrived yesterday and it does PH too but has to be calibrated, no problem they send calibration powder to mix with water, problem is no English destructions so may have to employ google and find some English destructions, or translate with a pic of what we have.

First lot of wood stacked, next load in 10-14 days, may only need 2 more to be full. But it really doesn't matter its going to get used at the end of the day.

Just to say that one lot of jam has been jarred, next lot due soon.
Sad doggy now refusing to either eat or drink. This could 'pparently be due to the meds she is on, but it is somewhat worrying.
It appears a dog can go 3 to 5 day without drinking but I don't think we are happy with that. She fought like mad when we tried to pour a littl water into her mouth.
Change of flavour by adding apple juice, ice cubes, no difference.
Yet she has the energy to fight and to walk around to wherever she choses to lie down. She is also perfectly "continent" if there is such a word.
It is a sad and difficult time. You & W have to make decisions for the dog (you love) and not your heart and its not easy, so we feel for you.

Hope the antibiotics work, and it doesn't have to come to that.

Afternoon folks:).

Quick trip into town today to "postal vote" (don't vote cant complain) Bit of shopping while there in Lidl. Picked up a little pack of parkside chisel/punch set, looks the same as my Halford set but I cant find 1 of them ( of course the most used 1), bet it turns up tomorrow when I am putting the Lidl one away.;).


Fixed it for you ...
Afternoon folks:).

Quick trip into town today to "postal vote" (don't vote cant complain) Bit of shopping while there in Lidl. Picked up a little pack of parkside chisel/punch set, looks the same as my Halford set but I cant find 1 of them ( of course the most used 1), bet it turns up tomorrow when I am not looking for it;).
So rather than slaving over a hot stove (making salad) when we got home we went to our local eatery on the way:).

New salt tester arrived yesterday and it does PH too but has to be calibrated, no problem they send calibration powder to mix with water, problem is no English destructions so may have to employ google and find some English destructions, or translate with a pic of what we have.

First lot of wood stacked, next load in 10-14 days, may only need 2 more to be full. But it really doesn't matter its going to get used at the end of the day.

Thanks for reminding me!
Must get onto someone to replenish our store of wood.
1 stere, that'll see us through 2 or three years! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
It is a sad and difficult time. You & W have to make decisions for the dog (you love) and not your heart and its not easy, so we feel for you.

Hope the antibiotics work, and it doesn't have to come to that.

Thanks for that.
Yes, we will not let the poor mite suffer.
We think her lack of deisre to eat/drink is either a reaction to the medication or, sadly, that she may have reached the stage of senile dementia where you, or an animal, forgets how to swallow. As she keeps showing normal interest towards both food and drink except for the final bit where she takes food or water in her mouth and does the right thing with it.
W's father got to that stage. Not fun at all. :(
Got my gas n leccy bill this week. Based on their estimated readings because I forgot to send the readings in, and I don't / won't have a smart meter. Checked my readings and their estimated readings were quite a bit higher. SO I sent the new readings in - and got a revised bill with a refund of 50 sovs. And as the unit prices drop next week, I would have paid for energy not used, at the old higher rate. Won't say who the supplier is, but they have eight legs. :rolleyes:
Iffit were 8 toe's it would be ovo.

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