Fings a bit tense round ere. :(
Took eldest dog to the vets as she decided to basically not eat very much as of three days ago.
Story is something indefinable wrong with her liver function after blood test and liver function test, the ultra sound showed no tumour but a lot of "liquid", type unknown, where it shouldn't be, some denser than the rest. Vet saw no tumour and thinks it may be a problem in the tissue that surrounds "all" organs down there. She doesn't think it bodes well. The poor doggy has lost a lot of weight over the past few months. We just thought it was her getting scraggy as she is 15 and 1/2. She showed no other symptoms at all. But she has got wobblier of late to the point that I have to carry her downstairs as she is frightened of slipping on the tiled floor and stairs.
So she is on antibios for a week plus stuff to "help" her liver, then back for a check to see how she is getting on.
It's always sad when they come to the end. And she is such a lovely, gentle dog. Although she can be cantankerous sometimes!
All sympathy, Stan. It’s a tough time but I’m sure you’ll give her the love to help her through, one way or t’other.
Fings a bit tense round ere. :(
Took eldest dog to the vets as she decided to basically not eat very much as of three days ago.
Story is something indefinable wrong with her liver function after blood test and liver function test, the ultra sound showed no tumour but a lot of "liquid", type unknown, where it shouldn't be, some denser than the rest. Vet saw no tumour and thinks it may be a problem in the tissue that surrounds "all" organs down there. She doesn't think it bodes well. The poor doggy has lost a lot of weight over the past few months. We just thought it was her getting scraggy as she is 15 and 1/2. She showed no other symptoms at all. But she has got wobblier of late to the point that I have to carry her downstairs as she is frightened of slipping on the tiled floor and stairs.
So she is on antibios for a week plus stuff to "help" her liver, then back for a check to see how she is getting on.
It's always sad when they come to the end. And she is such a lovely, gentle dog. Although she can be cantankerous sometimes!

Oh no so sorry to hear shes poorly, I broke my heart when I lost mine. Best wishes for her hopefully just an infection & it
clears up.
Sunshine and light cloud with a stiff breeze, 23 inside so quite nice :)
Takin girlfriend shoppin this morning, why do I always pick a woman who cant drive ? :rolleyes:
She'll have to suffer in the truck cause me transit wont go under the barrier at shopping centre
Thursday already!! :oops:
Stay cool all :cool:

My landy wouldnt go into the carparks with barriers ect but I just drove over the kerbs 🤣🤣
Got one just this mumf, is brill! Laser sight anorl, is almost too easy. 🪰💀

Which one did you get. :cool:

I got this.........

I had one of the young lads pestering me all day for a go at burning metal on the ship today, gave him 2 min lesson & let him
crack on cutting some 10mm plates off (with one of the lads supervising) I came back just before finishing time to check up on
them. There he was all proud with a big smile says here look ive cut them all off I turned to him & said what the f do you want
a hat & a balloon. (his face) 🤣 🤣 🤣 Everyone was wetting themselves haha I then told him well done lad. :D

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