They run roots underground, for some distance, and then grow upwards.
Might explain the neighbours two doors down 🤔 scratching his bonce.
Might explain the neighbours two doors down 🤔 scratching his bonce.
I listened to a talk-in on radio 2 a couple of weeks ago, on this subject. people are finding it inside their walls, up in the loft, causing havoc with the building structure and services. Costing horrendous amounts of cash to fix. Planting bamboo was popular in the 1980's, now it is home to roost :confused:
It's straight forward really, she'll be homeless because I will want the house sold and collect my share
She will get half of the money from the house and so will loose her pension credit and have to pay council tax and for her dental etc..
I'll stay much as I am except be a little lighter after the legal fees and half my vehicle which can't be valued as it's a one off kit car thingy :)
I could buy it for 2 tubes of feminax and a bag of peanuts
He won't be buying it he will acquire it

Well nearly but not quite..... a lot of the free stuff ive acquired or got given which ive been selling & have put the proceeds
into a pot which btw is copper (which ive had for years) the reason ive kept it will follow. I was putting it away for another
landy so in fact it would be free. :D:D

The reason I kept the pot was that if it ever came that I had no money id still have a pot to pizz in. 🤣🤣 So I fill it with all
my change & things that I sell. :):)

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