Eye is back inside now. 6 modified corners cut un sanded. 2 more to do morra. Then line up and see iffits noked oot the middle pockets. Two belts broke on me sander. Tis a good job eye gottid spares. Used me 60 grit to take down most offit then 120 to finish. Tis nice un smooth.
... that it looks like I may be going to Holland for some cycling this year. :D
Have not confirmed it to the boss yet so Shhhhh.... OK?
It will be on the old tried & trusted trike and not the new one though, because I am in need of e-assist (which is not on the new one).
I have a new tent I could take, but it's a bit of a frippery as a 3-man size tent, and it's only advantage it that it takes <1Minute to put up and take down. Don't we all like quick erections? ;)
The small 1-man I took last time was OK, if a bit cramped. But that's a decision for another day.
I tested the batteries for the trike today and they are both OK.
My biggest fear is the batteries or the motor failing and me being stranded because I am too weak to just pedal it back to the port in manual mode (how embarrassing that would be). :(

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