Well, weird one today.
Trying to obtain "crit'air" certificates for both cars.
Annoyingly, the Pluriel conforms to the criteria for one form of Euro (some figute or other) but its model year seems to exclude it.
So I hope that the person shoving them out sees this or we won't be able to drive around the centre of Toulouse, (Not that we have ever done it more than once, if I remember!) You are expected to append a scan of the relevant page in the V5C .
Hope they have their specs on!
W has done the shopping on line and is now working out "the bills" so she will be demanding a heavy cheque from me soon to pay for Christmas and ancillaries. :rolleyes:

The French house insurance was well high so I rang up and the "fille" from the brokers sent me an email with stuff from another policy.
Pages and pages and pages of it.
So far I have seen at least one thing that would not be covered, the solar panels, and another we don't need, something to do with kids and school.
She did say to read it through then get back on to her with any corrections that need to be made.
BUT it will be about €80 cheaper so about 1/7th cheaper which is a result.
Just got to find the time to read "La guerre et la paix".;););)
Have a good one folks!!
...that I may be in trouble wit the lathe motor current requirements.
IF you change a 4XX Volt 3-phase motor from Y to Delta, yes the current goes way up.
So a 480v motor went like this in t'interweb experts calcs:

VoltsRoot3Winding VOhmsAmps
Wow! that's a huge increase.


I am going from 400v Y to 230v Delta, so it looks like this:

VoltsRoot3Winding VOhmsAmps
No none of these figures are measured, just calculated on standard formulas.

So we are going up to 20A maybe. I wonder if my 16A breaker will go pop? 😊
Maybe I will need to alter my Garage “Spur” to 30A.

@My Old Landy ...what did yours come out at Brian, and what size breaker is on your lathe circuit may I ask?
I run my lathes on a dedicated 32a circuit. They both pull over 20a on full load.
I run my lathes on a dedicated 32a circuit. They both pull over 20a on full load.
I have run it now for a while and it hasn't gone "POP" yet.
This isn't under heavy workload, just free-running and traversing etc. and a few light cuts.
I have to say the finish (compared to the mini-lathe) is fantastic (the 0.0018 feed rate might have something to do with it).
I have other problems (belt slipping) and I am not sure what I can do yet. But overall, while it is as yet only jury-rigged for testing I think it has great promise. :D

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